The structure and parameters of the TVII 3D display are shownin Fig. 2. The TVII 3D display is composed of a display panel anda micro-lens array. The display panel is located on the focal planeof the micro-lens array, and the center of the micro-lens array islocated in front of the center of the display panel. The elementimage array (EIA) on the display panel consists of three sub-elementimage arrays (SEIAs). The left, middle and right SEIAs captured fromthree different 3D scenes are responsible for three 3D images inthe left-, middle- and right-view 3D scenes, respectively.optimal viewing distance between the observer and the displaypanel. f and p are the focal length and the pitch of the micro-lens,respectively. M and N are the numbers of the micro-lenses in thehorizontal and vertical directions, respectively.