Centraal is omitted, except at Den Haag.
Extra intercities Rotterdam-Amersfoort Vathorst are considered part of the regular Rotterdam-Leeuwarden/Deventer connection, even though those trains don't stop at Amersfoort Schothorst or Vathorst. Additional Den Haag-Utrecht services are likewise considered to be part of the regular Den Haag-Groningen/Enschede services, even though these used to run Den Haag-Utrecht-Arnhem.
Intercity services Amsterdam-Haarlem-Dordrecht and Amsterdam-Haarlem-Dordrecht-Vlissingen have been combined into one, as have the services from Schiphol via Utrecht to Nijmegen and Eindhoven.
All four services mentioned above run 4x per hour, the others 2x per hour.
The full complexity of the intercities through Amersfoort is impossible to show, I fear (from Schiphol, The Hague and Rotterdam, to Enschede, Groningen and Leeuwarden - for those last two, half of the trains running as all-stops services after Zwolle). Suggestions are welcome.
It is not sure yet whether the Benelux intercity to Brussels will continue to run via Dordrecht-Roosendaal. The map shows the final intended network, when the intercity to Brussels uses the high speed line (in white).