We have received your report on the impersonation of someone you represent on Twitter.
Our next steps:
First, we need to confirm that you are authorized to represent this individual. Below you’ll find instructions and a link you can use to upload copies of documentary proof. Then we’ll review and process your report. We can’t review your report until the documentation is received.
Your next steps:
In order to confirm that you are authorized to represent this individual, please review the instructions below and upload the requested documentation. Please make sure to upload a legible copy so we can review the full name and photo on the ID. This information will be kept confidential and your documentation will be deleted.
Choose one of the following options, then click on the link below to upload the requested document(s):
Option 1:
A copy of the impersonated individual’s valid government-issued photo ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport).
If you are claiming impersonation against an account that is not using the individual’s legal name, you will need to include documentary evidence that the legal name is connected to the name you are reporting (i.e., proof of registration of the trade name or pseudonym).
Option 2:
Documentation stating that you have authority to act on the impersonated individual’s behalf (e.g., agent's agreement, power of attorney, etc.).
A copy of your valid government-issued photo ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport).
A copy of your business card.
Upload link: https://twitterinc.secure.force.com/u?e=jr_28@windowslive.com&cn=42712910
Please note that accounts in compliance with Twitter’s parody, commentary, and fan accounts policy (https://support.twitter.com/entries/106373) are not considered in violation of our impersonation policy (https://support.twitter.com/articles/18366).
Thank you,