The results of TAA and FRAP scavenging activity are summarized in Table 2. Extracts showed concentrationdependent
TAA. AqME showed highest TAA whereas AE showed lowest TAA among all the extracts. The results presented
in Table 2 showed notable antioxidant potential of extracts of H. isora in terms of FRAP in a dose-dependent manner. AqME showed highest ferric reducing power with 360 5.9 GAE followed by ME (270 3.9 GAE), AqE (239 4.9GAE) and AE (200 3.1 GAE) at 1000 mg/ml extract concentration. Since antioxidant capacity is directly correlated with the reducing capacity of plants and their products, the FRAP assay is considered as a reliable method for evaluation of antioxidant potentials of plant extracts and compounds and our results are in conformity of these hypotheses.