Therefore, detailed dietary information about low sodium
foods or the use of alternative seasonings could improve
adherence to an SRD. Motivating a primary care giver to
participate in coordinating an SRD with patients may
facilitate adherence to an SRD. Food-preparation habits have
significance particularly in the cultural context of Korea,
because Koreans routinely use home-made salty condiments
such as soy sauce or bean past, when cooking and eating most
foods (Jeong 2006). In America, greater than 70% of dietary
sodium came from processed foods (Mattes & Donnelly
1991), whereas the majority of sodium in Korean diets comes
from home-made salty condiments (Korean Nutritional
Society 2005, Jeong 2006). Accordingly, it is necessary to
measure the dietary sodium level of home-made salty
ingredients before initiating an SRD in Korean patients with
HF. Clearly, cultural specific strategies must be considered in
attempts to improve SRD adherence.