Mikoto’s legs trembled.
The Xiuhcoatl wreckage she stood upon was slowly, slowly tilting and beginning to sink. It was like a large board slowly sinking into the water. However, if that wreckage completely sank, Mikoto and Shirai would be dumped into water that exceeded 70 degrees.
(What do I do…?)
Mikoto was conflicted over whether she should start shaking Shirai’s shoulders. She looked around the area. Of course, there was nothing there that could act in place of a bridge or a boat. Mikoto could use electricity to cause all sorts of phenomena, but she could not support both their weights and fly through the air.
At that rate, they would sink.
They would sink without having stopped the final Xiuhcoatl heading for Liberal Arts City.
(What do I do…!?)
As Mikoto looked up into the blue sky out of annoyance, she suddenly realized something.
The wreckage of the Xiuhcoatl she had shot down had been smashed when it had hit the ocean surface, but there was something like a cylindrical tank inside. The strange tank was made of cloth pasted to a framework of wood.
(Come to think of it…didn’t the Mixcoatls have a large amount of hydrogen onboard?)
It was used as the propellant for the missiles and probably for controlling the entire ship itself.