He had been incredibly nervous in the morning and called Suga, who tried his best to calm him down. For a while now Suga had been telling him that the feeling was most likely mutual and he had nothing to fear, but when Asahi had met up with Noya, his heart was beating faster than usual, and his demeanour had caused Noya to worry about his wellbeing. In spite of Asahi’s nervousness being tied to Noya, the boy was also a source of calmness to him. Noya’s straightforward behaviour and joyous energy made Asahi feel free of most of his fears and he stopped paying attention to the way people looked at them. He knew they looked more like father and son or older brother with his younger brother rather than friends – or lovers. Asahi blushed every time he dared to think about Noya as his lover because of the idea of physical closeness associated with the word. Noya was a physical person, and Asahi had gotten used to the casual touches, but even those still rattled his mind.
They were making their way to the cinema, but Asahi couldn’t remember making it there. His head was spinning, but the darkness started to wear off, letting him see fractures of pale light. He still had his eyes closed. Had he fallen asleep during the movie? But he couldn’t remember the name of it, or buying tickets, or sitting down next to Noya and secretly hoping that the other boy would take his hand and smile at him.
”Oh, this one’s waking up,” a voice said somewhere close by.