Masaru Final:
borrow masaru’s clothes
i want to polish my pitching skill
I want to take a shower too
can’t we go all together
I think i’ll go for sweets too…
not realy!
sit beside Maseru
team up with ichiru
i wanna grow like captain masaru
i’m not finished scrubbing captain’s back
we should’ve helped captain with his studies…
I guess i will give him a call then
maybe we can focus with our studies instead?
don’t give up!
I want to visit the classroom
I will follow him and comfort him
Ichiru final:
borrow ichiru’s clothes
i want to train as a batter
I’ll just change my clothes as well
sure ichiru, i’m pretty hungry too
meat sounds nice
sit beside ichiru
team up with masaru
ichiru your hair looks so cool
okay ichiru, i will go with you
yeah! good job ichiru!
yeah, i will call him
what did i tell you about skipping work
you can do it too!
I must practice for the tournament
I will follow him and comfort him