So is their hate into its own, ah, is not it? Three-inch nails and can not speak, they lie in the sun on the table belly, Mr. Wu dog think everything will be unconscious when the three-inch nail to poke in the stomach, they will play two three-inch nail roll sometimes inattentive fall anymore. Mr. Wu dog sometimes quite nasty little dog's life just so, so sometimes he saw the dog sickly look on the catch to cook and eat, and that is better than their own dogs are renowned for the way in front of their dead better. Mr. Wu was secretly cursing the dog was crazy, even people's lives do not care care about a group of dogs, comes here will be on the two saliva spit viciously scolded two dialect, Mr. Wu added something I think this dog is also his mother neuropathy, really Quan Quan fucking bitch is a dog!
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