G1:The experimental group which the constructivist learning approach was applied.
After the applications of pre-testing, it was started to teach lessons. The pupils who are in
“experimental group” encouraged to make them more active and responsible in the learning
process. The learning activities related to learning approaches such as cooperative learning,
problem based learning, and project based learning were applied in the learning process.
These activities aimed to give high level thinking skills to pupils. During the teaching science
lesson to “experimental group” blackboard was used very rarely. During the learning of
science lesson of this group, pupils brought power point presentations and videos to
classroom related to subject. Lessons were taught with activities. Pupils applied and prepared
the activities related to subject such as projects, doing experiments, drama, models, concept
maps, poems and puzzles. They formulated their opinions and created discussion groups. The
teacher encouraged the pupils to make research. The pupils arranged the learning environment
in order to cooperate in the learning process. During the activities of learning process, it was
expected from the pupils that doing research, decisions, and cooperates, using high level thinking
skills and their creativeness. The teacher did not give any prepared knowledge to pupils. The teacher