Years can be chanalika.Last year, there can be chanalika in 1 min to 1 person dead in the past there have been many more dead. By the time of the year can chanalika. No one can survive death. "nobody deserves" it says, but there is one boy gets life from years ago can chanalika. He was 5 years old, but one day he lost chaeo is not close to coming back. But on the other hand, 20 years later. He is the mechanic clocks back for years can be chanalika. He used a hammer can destroy years of chanalika until the crash crumpled. "Why do I like this bag owner. I only ไวิ life owner utsa "chatham" is not I can only last year alone, there are other people in your life .... they survive "the boys say," who? " Years with suspicion, "the chatham man can be created from it? The mechanic clocks made. He said his former love you so much, you keep telling him time and make sounds when moving the needle tik per- But now you are not worthy of life, because the clock has just move clockwise so there are no holidays until the charcoal will not remove the needle to move cut the lifeline of the people, "saying it would not be the end of the year into chanalika again. Until the end of the crash ....
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