第114章 截殺上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 吃過飯後,游小默和凌霄離開了七星樓,掌櫃和伙計一臉復雜的目送他們離開,不過就在他們離開沒多久,暗處 การแปล - 第114章 截殺上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 吃過飯後,游小默和凌霄離開了七星樓,掌櫃和伙計一臉復雜的目送他們離開,不過就在他們離開沒多久,暗處 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第114章 截殺上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 吃過飯後,游小默和凌霄離開了

第114章 截殺
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The 114th chapter of interceptingPrevious page back next page After dinner, You Xiaomo and soar out of the seven-floor, dispensers and man face complex watched them go, but they left before long, lurking quietly with several figures up. Two people did not hurry to leave the fine jade city, and educational workshops with elders of the educational workshops about yesterday, today to get grass seed. Educational workshop with seven buildings on the same street, and does not take as long as two people. Educational workshop, in and out of the door, as always, many guests, because of the reputation of educational workshops in the town of Hun is great, traffic flow is always crowded so the door in one piece and noisy than the market badly, can pretty much hear the loud noise heard. You Xiaomo standing in the distance, looking in front of the crowd, a drop of sweat streaming down my forehead. Peak was just heading straight past crowded people, closer to the people in his time, a strange phenomenon occurred, had come together in a heap of people suddenly pushed by a force, poured into two dial to move both ways, educational workshops and he blatantly went in, didn't bother people kept shouting. You Xiaomo stare, hurried up. Into the educational workshops outside the noise finally small ears no longer buzzing. Two people went in, yesterday welcomed the maid hospitality came at once, seems to be already waiting for them, civility does not say that take them directly to the second floor, that wearing black on the second floor of the Buddhist family carers as early as waiting for them, see they immediately reveal a gentle smile. "Two gentlemen came, the old man is waiting for you for a while. ” Old man looked at the two smiling and said, refusing to allow women ready for grass seed out, each of these seeds in a small purse, purse many kinds of colors, even show rust out the seed name in order to distinguish. Due to too many seeds, so the old man all filled seed pouch is placed in a storage bag, storage bag is a fairly common thing, and therefore less valuable. "This is two yesterday to plant grass seeds, all on the inside, you can order. "Old man will pass You Xiaomo storage bag. You Xiaomo took the old man hands him a storage bag, probe a bit, yesterday he said three types of grass seed in there, a total of 275 is a small pouch, the seed inside it, he did not check the believe educational workshop also dare not cut corners, unless they don't want fame. Ling Xiao saw that he had no objection, said to the man, "how many gold coins? ” The old man said with a smile, "because the two have a second-level VIP card, so you can enjoy the educational market, 90 percent of our concessions, was 8.8 million, after playing 90 percent is 7.92 million. ” 880,000 less than expected, the auction say that old guy was right, VIP discounts, and then, You Xiaomo narrowed bribe paid for the laugh. Watched the two left, the old man smiling face suddenly serious again. A man in Brown walked out from the inside, all in Brown cover under the robe, revealing only half of his face, robes seems to have blocked other people's ability to detect, he came out and immediately respect the old attitude. "The Duke! ” "People sent out yesterday, their identity was available? "Under a gray robe, a pair of eyes colder infiltration of cold breath burst out, make a song sound. "Has not been found, the two men appear as if out of thin air, not find any news about them, under suspicion they may be prone to the capacity. "Old hand politely said. "Disguise? If the background of the man, how to disguise, but that's OK, they easily instead of plans to help, to check if anyone in the future, do not see us. "The man in Brown gave a low laugh, showing he was very pleasant, as if he has a hand in General. Old man smiled, "Duke, then its now sent to intercept them? ” "Not in a hurry. "The man in Brown said in a low voice," we have the same goals and more than ease three large forces on the ichor and beasts and eggs are also very interested in when they hit first, play both when we are before you start. ” Old man hesitated, frowning, "said Duke, the man really as bad as you say, even the unfettered forces of three can't deal with him? ” Man in Brown took two steps in situ, after a dignified face said, "that man is so strong that I just probing, his strength should not be lower than stars, and moreover that people dare to brazenly take the baby, must be very confident about yourself, but his side the young would have no force at all, it can take advantage of. ” "Under the get it! "Old man immediately understand the meaning of master, for the purposes of, insidious means are needed. Just two people think that when you do well, but I do not know man in Brown's step into the educational workshop, which existed as early as the peak was when he found out, although members of his blocking atmosphere in Brown, but there is not absolute. Noticed after the man in grey, the peak tower at first thought it was directed at him, but after a while, he found, hidden in the educational workshop, the mystery man's eyes are more fall upon You Xiaomo. "Ling Shi Xiong, then we are not going back to the heart? ” After leaving the educational workshops, You Xiaomo thought their task was completed, remembered they have come out for nearly four days, two-day auction for two days on his way, but the thought of two days, his face was gone, ' car ' a taste he will never forget. "Well, it's time to go back to. "Soar with a nod. "That, that we have to fire back? "You Xiaomo carefully asked, struggled on his face. Peak took one look at his face down, the corner of a pick, saying, "no, do not take the fire horse, we switch to go another way, leaving the very city you know Hun. ” Final words straight to You Xiaomo question is another way of thinking. Thus, informed soar with no knowledge of You Xiaomo shopping while seven-floor, this shopping around for more than a hour, Sun Mountain, during You Xiaomo bought a bunch of things. Although loyalty buys a lot of intermediate grass seeds, but You Xiaomo still feel too little, and the more advanced grass species more like six grass, buy 121 square his loyalty, but in fact is not just so much, some may not have been found, there are educational workshops are not collecting. But not even my educational workshops, grass may not have other spirit, so gather some grade grass seed You Xiaomo, five-and six-level are rare. That evening, they spent the night at the seven floor. The next day just after dawn, and in the dark eyes watched by Chu, soar and You Xiaomo left the seven-floor, one before and one after. This time, two people not shopping, but directly to the direction of the gate, half an hour later, two men arrived at the gates, the city before the soldiers are no longer sees the two, and breath into two more powerful cultivators, two people seems to know them, were released all at once. Out of the gate, and peak immediately called the fire horse, picks the hooves, flaming horse carrying two people running out the fine jade city, less than half an hour before she reached the Green Plains stretch as far as the blue Plains, shrouded in a thin layer of white smoke. In the fire when the horse ran into the blue border of the plain, mist suddenly flashed in front of three black silhouette, triangular potential will fire horses along the route were blocked. Fire horse nickered to heaven a, came to a halt, but not people out of the carriage. Silent moments, three road shadow moments towards carriage burst shot and to, rage of momentum like is to will air also together crushed General, weapons also moments appeared in they hand in, knife light cold of impact with carriage, carriage although precious, is also by not three months border strong of a hit, detonation of a sound will fried open has, debris to around fly shot out. Meanwhile, soon flew out from the top carriage, straight, falling on the ground. Soon it was peak, You Xiaomo, was he ... ... Armpit. After landing, soar You Xiaomo first down, a moment without pause into a lever for three men in black rushed past, the other too late to react faster, two purple flame since his body flying out, give a wink into the black on both sides of the body, two people had time to struggle, bellows a ground up. As for the third men in black were two death jump, knife in the hands of not lifted up, peak had been rushed to the front of him, a punch thrown out, black man's head moments to kick flew, blood brains spatter ... ... Stop figure soar to slowly turn around, but see You Xiaomo neck more than a knife.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 114 Run out
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After dinner, silent and small swim Peak left seven floor, treasurer and sophisticated look of man watched them leave, but it was not long before they left, the dark hidden a few shadows also quietly followed. They do not hurry to leave the city of Hunchun pole, and went to the Square, loyalty, loyalty Square yesterday with the old man made ​​an appointment today to pick up the spirit of grass seed. Square building loyalty and seven in the same street, they did not take long to go. Square out of the doorway loyalty guests always more, because the loyalty Square in the city of Hunchun very great reputation, so the flow of people to and from the door is always crowded together, noisy also worse than the markets, you can hear all the way Nazhen endless noisy clamor. Tour Little Mo standing nearby, watching the door of people, a drop of sweat streaming down from the forehead. Peak touches altogether, went directly toward the crowded, just when he was close to the crowd, a strange phenomenon occurred, and had a bunch of extruded crowd suddenly like being a force to push general, people divided into two allocated to both sides away, then he swaggered toward loyalty Square went in, did not stop people shouting ignored. Tour small silent stare, quickly ran up. Into the loyalty Square, outside Nazhen small noise finally down, no ears buzzing. They went in, who yesterday received their gracious maid immediately came over, seems to already waiting for them, if not polite to say, direct them to the second floor of the man dressed in black robes early man also waiting for them, they saw immediately reveal gentle smile. "Both Mr. finally came, the old lady has been waiting for you for a while." The old man looked at the two Xiaohe He said, after a while, they will be ready to let the maid took out the spirit of grass seeds, each seed are installed in a small pouches, pockets of color there are many kinds, even outside the specially rust name seeds, in order to distinguish. Because too many seeds, so the old man all purse containing seeds are placed in a storage bag, storage bags is a common thing, so do not how valuable. "This is the second bit of the spirit of grass seed to yesterday, all on the inside, you can point a little." The old man will tour small storage bag and handed silent. Mo took a small tour of the old man handed him storage bag, probe a bit yesterday, three Ling grass seed in it he said, a total of two hundred seventy-five small purse, as the seeds inside, he did not check, I believe Square loyalty did not dare to cut corners, unless they do a reputation. Peak no objection to see him, said the old man fishes, "a total of how much gold?" The old man said with a smile, "because the two have a second VIP, so we can enjoy 10% discount dancin Square, originally eight hundred eight hundred thousand, that is, 7.92 million after a discount. " eight hundred and eighty thousand less than expected, the auction of the old man was right to say, VIP can be discounted, then, will tour small silent laugh squint a bribe paid for. Watched the two leave, the old man smiling face instantly serious again. A man in brown from the inside out, the man in brown robes whole body under the hood, revealing only his face, blocking robes seem to have the ability to detect other people's, he came out, the old attitude immediately became respectful stand up. "Santo!" "Sent yesterday to the people, can be found in their identity?" Under the gray robe, a pair of eyes Sen Han Chu oozing atmosphere of cold burst shot to issue a heinous frightened voice. "Has not been found, the two men appeared out of nowhere like a general, not find the slightest news about them, under suspicion that they may be vulnerable to the content." Respectful hand over the old man said. "Disguise? If there is a large backgrounds, what need is turning, but it was just, but they are vulnerable to the contents of our plan to help in the future if someone to check, we can not find him." The man in brown producing a low laugh, showing his mood is very pleasant, as if he wanted at hand in general. The old man also smiled, "Santo, then under the now sent to intercept them?" "No hurry." The man in brown whispered, "we have the same purpose with the people and a few, presumably Happy door three forces for the spirit was also very interested and Wicked eggs until they hit first and hit a lose-lose, we begin again. " the old man hesitated, frowning," Santo, the man you really say so much, even Happy door three forces are unable to deal with him? " the man in brown took two steps in place, and have a will to look dignified said," that man is very strong, as I just probing, his strength should not be less than star environment, what it dared blatant baby out, presumably very confident of their own strength, but to him that the boy actually did not force value, this can take advantage of. " " under the clear! "the old man immediately understood Santo meaning, to achieve the purpose, insidious means naturally need. They do well in that time, but I do not know the existence of man in brown early in the Peak Square entered loyalty when he was discovered, though his body robe blocking the breath, but everything is not absolute . Aware of the existence of man in brown, the Peak and initially thought the other was directed at him, but after observation for a while, he found, hidden in loyalty Square mysterious eyes of more people is falling tour little Mo body. "Ling brothers, then we are not going back to school a day heart?" After the departure loyalty Square, a small tour of his visit to meditate out tasks are completed, and then remember that they have come out fast for four days, two days of the auction, two day on their way, but the thought of two days to catch the road, his face would collapse, 'car shock' taste he now forget. "Ah, it's time to go back." Peak nod. "Well, then we have to take this fire horse back?" Asked cautiously silent small tour, his face somewhat tangled. Peak looked at his face collapse under the mouth of a challenge, said, "No, do not take this fire horse, we switch back to it another way, and so to leave the city of Hunchun pole you know." The last sentence direct blocked small tour ask what meditation is another way of thinking. Thus, an informed knowledge of the small tour with Peak silent while shopping while back seven floors, this visit will visit more than an hour, the sun is down, a small silent during the tour and bought a lot of things. Although loyalty Square bought a lot of intermediate spirit of grass seed, but the tour still feel small silent too little, and the more advanced the spirit of grass, the more species, such as six Lingcao, he bought one hundred twenty Square in loyalty eleven kinds, but in fact does not stop so much, some of which may not be found, there are some loyalty Square not collected. But Frank did not even loyalty, then the other Lingcao shop may not have, so small travel only to collect some four silent spiritual grass seeds, five and six are rare. That night, they spent the night in Seven floor. The next day at dawn, in the dark more eyes watching Chu, Peak and tour the small silent one after the departure of the seven floor. This time, they did not re-side shopping, but go directly to the direction of the gate, half an hour later, they arrived at the gate, the defenders of the soldiers are no longer seen before those two, but into two breath more powerful practitioners, they seem to recognize them, and it would be allowed to go. Town gate, and immediately attracted Peak fire horse hoofs in fast, fire horses carrying two people ran away from the city of Hunchun pole, less than half an hour will reach the green plain, endless green plains, filled with a thin layer of white smoke. Just fire horse ran into the plain blue border when the front fog flashed three black silhouette, triangular route bound fire horse forward are sealed. Fire Horse sky scream loudly, came to a halt, but it has not seen the people out of the carriage. A moment of silence, three shot burst shadows instantly toward the carriage away, like a violent momentum also be crushed to air in general, weapons instantly appear in their hands, the impact of cold Daoguang carriage, carriage though Jingui , but also stand up to three months throughout the strong blow, bang it exploded, debris flying out to the surrounding. At the same time, a white shadow fly out from the top of the carriage, straight fall on the ground. It is the white Peak, as the tour Little Mo, were he clips ...... armpit. After landing, the first tour Peak Little Mo down, did not pause for a moment it turned into a three lever toward black people rushed past, the other speed is no time to respond, two purple flames flying out from his body, a blink eye would not be on both sides of the black body, they had a chance to struggle, screams will fall to the ground. As for the third black man, was startled Sizhuang two, hands of the knife has not lifted, the Peak had rushed in front of him, punched out, head moment of black people to the bombers fly, blood spatter brains ...... stop figure Campsis slowly turned around, surprised to find more than a small knife upstream silent neck.

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