And this ties back in with the slot machine that I showed you earlier. This is an addiction machine and if you're a casino operator, then it looks like a great thing but there are lots and lots of negative consequences that come about, because people are addicted to gambling and to other things and if we can design systems that are optimized to addict people, if you will, on these virtual rewards that doesn't mean that we should and it doesn't mean that we should as an ethical matter. It also doesn't mean that companies should purely as a tactical or strategic matter because there's a real danger if users feel like they're being pushed into something they don't really want to do. A danger in terms of the response from the customers. A danger in terms of responses from government agencies and a danger in terms of the company itself not focusing on what it should be focused on, which is really delighting it's customers. So there is a danger in going down this path of a behaviorist approach that it tends to make us see everything like a casino owner and maybe that's not necessarily, the right way to approach all business situations.