If you're having trouble uploading or posting photos, try these troubleshooting tips:
Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash. Most of the time, this will fix any issues with adding photos to Facebook. To get the latest version of Adobe Flash:
Remove outdated versions of Adobe Flash that might be on your computer.
Download the latest version of Adobe Flash.
Quit all web browsers before you begin installing.
Try uploading the original photo instead of an edited version. Editing photos (ex: with iPhoto or Photoshop) before uploading them may cause the upload to fail.
Check the photo format. Try only uploading JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF or TIFF files. If you're uploading a PNG file, it's best to keep the file size below 1 MB. PNG files larger than 1 MB may appear pixelated.
Check the size of the photo. We recommend uploading photos under 15MB.
Make sure you're using the latest version of your browser.
Check your Support Inbox. If you've been warned for posting abusive content, you may be temporarily blocked from uploading photos.
If you still can't upload photos, report a problem.