MungoServer Installation
For installation instructions please see the downloads page.
Network Connection
It's best for performance if your iPhone and computer are both on the same local network. Most simple home networks are ideal.
Normally MungoGamer will find MungoServer running on your computer and list it's name on the 'Connect' screen. Just tap to connect, MungoGamer will then re-connect automatically each time it is started.
If your computer is not automatically listed on the connect screen, Bonjour (which allows connection by name) may not be installed or working correctly. The alternative is to enter the 'IP address' of your computer into MungoGamer - the address you need is shown in MungoServer's window. Type the address in and the 'status' light should turn green immediately (tap again to proceed). Note that connections happen very quickly, waiting won't help if the light doesn't turn green.
If you still can't connect, please check the firewall settings in your antivirus software to ensure MungoServer can receive incoming connections.
Please email support if you have trouble, I'll be happy to help.
For those who configure routers etc, MungoServer receives UDP on port 7916
MungoGamer Features
The Settings panel allows you to customise the tilt steering, accelerator and brake to suit the game you are playing and your driving style. Changing these settings, even by a modest amount, can have a big impact on how the controller feels in a game. Each game is different, and we offer configuration hints for some games below.
The three 'Default Settings' provide starting points for configuration.
- The 'Stable' setting can help if the game is very sensitive or you need fine control in a game - such as driving at high speed down straights. Stability can also help if you are overcorrecting or veering from side to side, although steady hands are a better solution.
- The 'Medium' setting is a good starting point for many games.
- The 'Fast' setting is named for fast response (not faster speed) and may be useful when you are used to MungoGamer and facing lots of hairpins :)
All of the default settings simply move the settings sliders - you can reach the same result by moving them yourself (there is no hidden magic).
'Steering Angle' allows you to set how far your iPhone or iPod touch needs to be tilted to reach full steering lock. Settings below -20 +20 are rarely useful. While actually tilting to reach the -60 +60 maximum is fairly extreme, using the setting can still work well in games where you rarely or never turn sharply.
'Sensitivity' determines how much your motion is filtered. 'High' sensitivity sends nearly raw data to the game, while 'Low' sensitivity damps the motion and therefore responds a little slower. There is often plenty of filtering built into games, which makes this control less important and lets you use a higher setting without penalty.
'Accelerator & Brake Angle' lets you choose the range of angles that operate the accelerator and brake, and where the 'idle' point is (where neither is applied). Dragging the 'idle' thumb moves all thumbs in sync, allowing you to make quick adjustments to suit your posture and keep your wrists comfortable.
'Invert Accelerator and Brake'. Are things backwards in the game you just started? Flip the switch and its fixed. Can also be useful if you are flying a flight simulator (yes, that works!)
'Split Accelerator and Brake'. Some games support independent accelerator and brake control so that you can use both simultaneously, this option supports them. Normally touching the accelerator or brake on screen overrides any tilt, but with 'Split' selected you can for example use tilt accelerator while tapping the brakes. You can also place the accelerator and brake on opposite side of the screen, switch off tilt accelerator & brake altogether and control brake and accelerator independently by touch alone.