Green political philosophy.Political philosophy is the study of or knowledge about politics, to lead to forms of politics and led to people's happiness. Most of the Western States more than they In this case I would say to the scholars of Plato, Socrates lost 3 is green, the philosophy of Aristotle, who political foundation. Socrates (469-399 B.C) as nationals of the State Metropolitan Athens (Athens) -The pursuit of knowledge is knowledge that is global. -Method of Dialectic, questions answered When the other person to answer any questions until the other end until the dispute points to a semantic reasoning and science. -The pursuit of truth, justice, knowledge, -Do not believe in the equality of man. -Good parents should require the knowledge and intelligence. -Does not agree with a democratic administration because of green.1. to use the majority is wrong. Because most people don't have the time, and there is no wiser.2. the political leaders will come from the election of most people, parents with no knowledge, but it is the parents who are getting popular.-Living philosophy yuek "virtue is knowledge" (Virtue is Knowledge) base corrosion in democracy's claim to have an effective Government and justice allows liberty to discuss all the virtues. -Criticism of Athens with freedom animosities -What politicians are junk. -Method of Dialectic make people a part of birth dispute annoyance because Socrates and teach people in all. -Please do not give the instruction did not accept the God that people in the State trust.• An accusation that the gods created a new element, the Socrates.• For bonthamlai and mom drunk on youth. Is the jury decides to drink the poison Hemlock death?-No one knows about the personal life of the most know Socrates from Plato and Sparta's interpretation of the era. -Even though Socrates does not agree with REE-democracy. but they respect State laws. Plato (427-347 B.C) as followers of Socrates. -Actual knowledge is virtue and reason. -Do not believe in the notion of equality, because the people we are capable of, and in accordance with the different. -One of the book writing. The name of The Republic proposed format (utom State) Government of the State of excellence – Divide people into three classes according to their academic ability by using a classification:1. lower-class peasants Artisans, merchants,2. the middle classes – Warrior The State protection from enemy soldiers.3. the elite – the guardian There is a reason and intelligence to the maximum. The guardian is a wise sage King (King Philosopher) excellent literary native, has been training to become parents.-Justice is the highest virtue. The best State is a State that gives justice to people equally. -Writing several books on political discussion response format. -Father major political philosophy. -Disagree with democracy-REE., especially democracy majority that decided death Socrates. Aristotle (384-322 B.C) as followers of Plato. -19 years, with Plato Learning Academy -A teacher at the Academy -Alexander the Great built to teach the Constitution over 158 Mecedonia original from the city of hit, Aristotle studies. -Came back to Athens was set up near the Lyceum school, Athens. -A comparative study of Aristotle have been classified into 6 administrative model by using criteria. With a number of parents have parental ethics.1. the monarchy (Monarchy)By the King (king/monarch) is an important characteristic is that a regime that has traced the blood line. Parental family descendants, trace, one of which may be counting on blood through her father or mother's line, have a particular political regime, but a tradition from the blood that this line is formatted according to the order of the boss in the family. Plato and Aristotle regarded monarchy in this window should be ruled by Raja Sage (King Philosopher), which is a good ideal. Virtue of the parents, it is a good rule, regardless of the specific interests of the parents is that it takes into account the interests of the State and the people, every group is located. This regime is capable of high ideals and is impractical because of the. 1.) all the people of excellence, knowledge and ethics from? 2) if someone who is true, did not discount the as parents because it is full of problems and liability. In fact, tend to have bad leadership, and they are a merciless tyrant. 2. ทรราชย์ (Tyranny).Is ruled by a single person who has power. There is no trace of blood line. Powers as to liberally (Arbitrary), there are no rules, there is no certainty. One is the order of rule by military force. 3. the aristocracy (the Aristocracy).The word Aristocracy comes from the Greek word "aristoi is meaning cleverness. Talent + kratos ' combined dominance is dominance by minority people group/talented education and knowledge as a aims to benefit the elite global weakness is likely to become an oligarchy. 4. the oligarchy (Oligarchy).As a person, but a Government by the group that gathered for political purposes in particular may come from multiple classes or vocational education, or shared, such as soldiers, police, politicians, groups men have called plutocracy (Plutocracy), their group's interests. 5. mass democracy (direct) (Democracy).Also known as the Greek State Metropolitan flair thiptai mass is 5:. 1. most people do not have) knowledge and virtue, even with comments, opinions, knowledge does not exist. 2.) most people have as low an economic government? 3) most people tend to use feelings and emotions in decision making. 4.) most people will cause a chaotic mess kolahon. There are 5) error in the assumptions of democracy matters equality in every subject. 6. mixed democracy (Polity)There is a small group of parents who have the appropriate qualifications, but there is a large group of people who came from a middle-class, which contains more than half the amount that has been studied as an economic system is a moderate Polity consistent with democratic rule today. Rich people are very often not seen in other peoples heads hoehoem vanity. Best man had no reason.Philosophy, political liberalism (Liberalism).-Social
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