I’ve checked RP033 never request changed for adjustment amount.
If you would like it change we need modify system and test. I do not think we can complete within tomorrow.
And I wondering such this issue every year once audit process how your operate AICS ?
WHY NEED IT URGENTLY TO SUPPORT AUDIT Only application modification is one alternative for business operation ?
Kindly consider your lead time requirement and longtime countermeasure to consider system enhancement.
Is this un-plan tasks ? I am sorry for AICS enhancement I ever ask K. Aree and K. Sanpetch.
Please let me know should I communicate to you and you are the person as role approver ? Please confirm to avoid PIC and role misunderstand.
If so I would requested that PIC please attend AICS-MA monthly meeting with I lack contribute from FIN management.
Kindly consider and confirm !
For RP033 Change request I will raise MA team estimate change and let you know when can finish.
Application-MA verbally explain to K. Korapin this is not system failure incident.