第102章 規矩上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 數只馬隊在道路上呼嘯而過,帶起一路黃塵,萬馬奔騰氣勢最後在接近琿極城幾百米外停了下來,高聳入雲的巨 การแปล - 第102章 規矩上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 數只馬隊在道路上呼嘯而過,帶起一路黃塵,萬馬奔騰氣勢最後在接近琿極城幾百米外停了下來,高聳入雲的巨 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第102章 規矩上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 數只馬隊在道路上呼嘯而過,帶

第102章 規矩
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The 102th chapter rulesPrevious page back next page Only the Colts on the road whizzing by, with yellow dust all the way, galloping horses momentum near Hun city stopped hundreds of meters away, towering great gates of the people against the extremely tiny. You Xiaomo feel back, finally stopped down, just wanted to get out and get some air, a team suddenly ran past him, fell hooves kicking up dust on his face, even in the mouth. "Ah Bah ... ..." You Xiaomo upset squirms under the lip, spit out a mouthful of saliva of dirty yellow, is back. These Colts, was not know consider others about, here is Hun very city outside, in here queued waiting town of people daily not know has how many, they movement so big, was effect to of can more than he a, many people are with he as was Lane has full face dust, just let he was surprised of is, they are show a face dare anger can't statements of expression. Was wondering, someone would have answered him. "Boy, you spit? ” A tall, thin man riding a horse You Xiaomo suddenly turning the horse went over, condescending look is wipe You Xiaomo, awe-inspiring complexion, as if watching ants. You Xiaomo stay stay, which is why can't get his mouth to the ground, are not allowed to spit at him? ' But very kind he had heard him spit in a horse's voice. Just think about it, he saw a crowd of revealing a face of sympathy and expression of regret, but there is no one up for his rescue, even a few hold arm with a playful looking face in this scene. You Xiaomo thought for a moment and asked, "do you have anything? ” Tall, thin man grinned, "boy, don't see you have some guts, but before this big, bold is useless, the fist is the truth. ” Courage? You Xiaomo think he sounds like the sorely lacking courage. But at length were not heard when it comes to the point, he was impatient, bump of the body for a long time, it will be a little bit uncomfortable, short cut, "said the older brother, you on Earth have what thing? ” High thin men look with he face Shang of not resistance, complexion a cold, out hand back a touch, directly taking a put Crescent shaped of broadsword, on with a face sluggish of You Xiaomo directly cut has down, while said, "boy, I see you is first times laihui very city's, now I taught taught you a article rules, in here don't too put himself Dang root onion, you in this Uncle eye in, even only Ant are not! ” You Xiaomo totally wondering how this person spoke suddenly began to move her hand, it seems that he also did not say anything harsh words. But machete and didn't get a chance to fall upon You Xiaomo, behind the curtain out of a white jade-like slender hand, casually caught the sharp machete, either by a tall, thin man, no matter how hard, machete can no longer drop of enthusiasm. Tall, thin man with facial expression change, eyes flashing with a cloudy, vicious snapped, "who dares against spike I help, desperately, please? There is now out! ” "Boy, I teach you a rule in front of Grandpa, do not attempt to move my people. ” As the curtains blowing in the wind, a warm voice in the inside, idle men voice, implied some magnetic and lazy, leisurely, it is nice, however it is with a heavy stigma, struck a tall, thin man with taut nerves. Shortly thereafter, a pair of silver Brocade boots curtain first stepped out of the car, then a big Xin long men slowly walk out, a white robe of gold silk soft flowing in the wind, eyebrows like scimitars, Star eyes, warm and stylish one and won all the attention. Men's eyes and a gentle smile on her lips, as are members of General, rather than a hand with a tall, thin man with machete. See peak appears, shaking up immediately You Xiaomo hid behind him. Look very close to the one from his scimitar, and shivered, is a close call, but for Tower shots, he is now being split into two halves. He had a deep sense of crisis, the world is too scary, ready to kill, and he wanted to go back to the Earth! Not tall, thin man, soar to tune the cutlass bomb out. He snap strength is not heavy, but the tall, thin man couldn't handle, he sat on the horse, was struck by the strength, the people turned down from his horse, heavy body fell to the ground, sparking a dust of rehmannia glutinosa. "Ahem ... ..." the tall, thin man with fierce coughed twice, difficult climb from the ground up, he felt had ribs broken, look to soar when, but more than a glimmer in the eyes afraid and unwilling, "you dare stand here and don't run, Spike would never let you get away with. ” 凌霄抬眸看了一眼不遠遠抽著利刃蠢蠢欲動的狼牙幫眾。 大概是見到頭兒被輕易的打倒了,所以一個個都不敢貿然出手,不由得輕笑了一聲,真是一群烏合之眾,就這麼點本事也敢隨意生事。 “蠢貨!”凌霄笑著罵了一聲,然後才拉著游小默轉身回馬車里。 與此同時,烈火馬頗具靈性的嘶鳴一聲,後蹄蹬了兩下,再度奔跑起來,只不過這次的速度比較慢,不再有顛簸的感覺,可能是因為這里是琿極城外,人來人往,不宜快速的奔跑。 馬蹄聲掩蓋了身後的驚呼聲,大家現在才注意到,拉車的馬竟然是烈火馬,傳聞脾氣暴躁,耐力卻十分驚人的一種寶馬,只可惜烈火馬只生長在末日森林里,所以平時很難看到,沒想到竟然會在這里看到,頓時引起了一陣不小的聲潮,只可惜馬的主人已經走了。 眼看著琿極城的大門就在眼前,馬車立刻被守城的兩名士兵攔了下來。 烈火馬感受到車廂里傳出來的淡淡威壓,嘶鳴一聲,隨即頗為不甘的停了下來。 兩名士兵暗暗松了一口氣,烈火馬他們不是沒見過,知道它的脾氣非常暴躁,如果它真要強行突破,憑他們兩個人是攔不下來的,而且能馴服得了烈火馬的人,必然非泛泛之輩,若是因此而得罪了馬車里的人,那就不好了。 “報歉,凡是進入琿極城的人,每人需要繳納兩金。”其中一名士兵說道。 這是琿極城賺錢的一個手段,除非是城內的原居民,否則外來者每次進城都必須繳納入城費,根據人數而定,人越多繳納的入城費就越多,雖然兩金可以讓一個普通家庭過兩個月,但是對大部分人來說,兩金不算什麼,在城內找個地方隨便擺下攤,兩金隨時都能賺回來。 所以這個價位的入城費在很多人可接受的範圍內。 士兵說完這句話後,一只縴細的手從窗口伸了出來,手心赫然躺著四枚金幣。 士兵透過窗口的縫隙看進去,果然隱約看到兩道人影,而且用得起烈火馬的人,不可能會缺幾枚金幣,便接過那四枚金幣,也沒要求查看馬車便放他們過去。 馬里車,游小默一臉慶幸的說道,“幸好我身上有金幣,要不然我們連城門都進不去了。” 凌霄笑了笑,沒告訴他一件事,其實沒金幣也不會有事,因為可以用其他東西替代,而如果東西的價值高于四枚金幣,那個士兵多半會把東西據為己有,然後再自掏腰包把金幣墊上。 這種情況並不少見,琿極城也不會禁止,端看士兵的運氣。 “凌師兄,接下來我們要去哪?”游小默將裝著金幣的袋子收起來後,便一臉興致勃勃的撩起窗簾往外看了看,繁華的街道四處有人頭攢動,其盛況比和平鎮要熱鬧很多,沒一會,他就把城門外的事情忘得一干二淨了。 “先去拍賣場把要拍賣的東西報上去,其他的之後再說。”凌霄慵懶的倚在車廂上,目光落在游小默因激動而微紅的側面上,斂了斂雙眸。 “拍賣場在哪里?”游小默好奇的問道,不過他有些疑惑,烈火馬真的能夠準確的將他們帶到目的地嗎?他從來不知道馬還會識路,不過他也知道龍翔大陸的生物都不能用常理來推斷。 “就在這條街道的盡頭。”凌霄說道。 游小默剛要起身撩開珠簾,馬車突兀的停了下來,一時沒防備,整個人就往前撲了過去,眼看著就要摔出去,凌霄大手一攬,便又將他撈了回來。 游小默驚魂未定的趴在他懷里,還沒開口問發生什麼事了,頭頂便響起凌霄的聲音,“拍賣場到了。” 說罷,凌霄便抱著他跳下馬車。 人流洶涌的街道盡頭,出現一個男人抱著另一個男人的畫面,雖然被抱著的男人是個少年,長得也比較瘦小,但是依然改變不了他是個男人的事實。 感受到四周投過的詫異目光,游小默漲紅了臉,連忙從凌霄懷里跳下去。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 102 rules
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roaring past only a few horses on the road, with all the way from yellow dust, full steam ahead in the final momentum near the city of Hunchun pole stopped a few hundred meters away, towering all against the background of the huge gates extremely small. Little Mo tour feel very back, coach finally stopped, just to get off to get some fresh air, a group of people suddenly ran from him, yellow dust raised horseshoe flapping his face, and even has a mouth. "Bah ah ......" small tour some depressed silent creeping lower lip, spit saliva dirty yellow, the back too. The Colts did not know others consider it, here is the Hui pole outside the city, where people waiting in line into the city every day do not know how much they so much movement, is more than he can affect a lot of people are related he was, like get a face stained with dirt, just let him surprise is that they are silent resentment exposed face expression. Positive wondering, someone gave him the answer. "Boy, you people are just spitting?" A tall, thin man, horseback, suddenly turned the horse toward the small silent amusement came over, looked at the positive Mazui condescending amusement Little Mo, looking awe-inspiring, like watching like ants. Tour Little Mo spent to stay, this is doing, do not get him a mouth dust, but also allowed him not to spit? But sad to say even to hear his voice spit in a burst of hoofs for him. Just think of it, he saw the crowd of everyone exposed face of compassion and expression of regret, but certainly no one would come out for his rescue, and even a few holding arm face banter watching this scene. Tour small silent thought, asked, "Do you have anything else?" The tall, thin man grinned, "Boy, you do not see there is a bit courage, but in front of the uncle, have courage is useless fist is the truth. " courage? Tour Little Mo thought he seemed sorely lacking is courage. But he said waited a long time did not hear the question, he also impatient, bumpy body for a long time, this point will also uncomfortable, sidewalk, "said the brother, you in the end what is it?" The tall, thin man looked at his face intolerance on, looking for a cold, hand touched the back, directly out of a crescent-shaped sword, his face slack against the run little Mo directly cut down, and said, "boy, I think you are the first Hui city very secondary to it, and now I'll teach you to teach a rule, where the hell do not take yourself too when you are in the uncle's eyes, not even an ant! " tour of small silent figure out exactly how this man talking suddenly a fight, and he did not say anything like too much, then ah. But the opportunity did not fall tour of small machete silent body, behind Julian stretched out like a slender white hands understatement catch sharp machete, leaving tall, thin man, no matter how hard, machetes can no longer fall nothing. Tall, thin man face changed, his eyes flashed a hint of Yinhen, fierce, shouted, "Who dares to be with my help against Spike, do not order it? Kind of body emerged to!" "Boy, I can teach you a rule in front of the grandfather, do not attempt to move my people. " Julian interpersonal wind blowing, the sound of which came a burst of warm, lazy man's voice, magnetic and implies little lazy, unhurried , it is truly nice, but to say a word but with a deep sense of contempt, struck a tall, thin man taut nerves. Then, a pair of silver brocade boots taken Julian took the lead, followed by a tall man with long Yan came out slowly, a white gold soft wind flowing robe, Jian Mei Star eyes, moist type, they appeared to win everyone's attention. Men's mouth Qin Zhao hint of gentle smile, as if being friends will be general, rather than a tall, thin man's hand being sandwiched machete. Peak saw the emergence of a small tour trembling silent immediately get up and hid behind him. Look back a glance away from his close machete, and shivering a bit, really good insurance, but for Peak shot, he has now been split in half the other. He had a deep sense of crisis, the world is too horrible, actually quick to kill, and he wanted to return to the earth! And other tall, thin man did not speak, Peak will play the song refers to the machete out. His fingertips the force is not heavy, but the tall, thin man did not catch, coupled with he sat on horseback, is the strength of a hit, the whole person begins immediately turned down, heavy body fell to the ground, sparking a to the dust bowl. "Ahem ......" tall, thin man suddenly coughed twice and difficult from the ground up, he felt strip broken ribs, look to the Peak, when the eyes are more than a hint of fear and unwilling hard color, "you kind of just stand here Hold on, help Spike definitely not let you." Peak lift eye looked far not ready to make smoking a razor Spike Bangzhong. Probably saw head is easily brought down, so one can not rush shots, could not help but chuckle a cry, really a mob, so dared random skill point trouble. "Idiot!" Smiled Peak cursed, and then took a small tour Mo turned back to the carriage. At the same time, the fire horse quite spiritual scream loudly, kicking the heels of the two, running up again, but this time more slowly, there is no feeling of bumps, probably because it is very Hunchun city, people to come, not to run fast. Hoofs hide behind the screams, we now noticed, pull a cart horse fire horse turned out to be rumors grumpy, but it is very amazing stamina a BMW, but unfortunately the fire horse only grows in the forest in the end, it usually difficult to see, did not think that would be seen here, suddenly caused a big sound tide, but unfortunately the owner of the horse was gone. Seeing Hui pole in front of the city gates, the defenders of the carriage was immediately stopped by two soldiers. Fire coming out of the carriage horse feel faint coercion, scream loudly, then quite unwilling to stop. Two soldiers secretly relieved, they is not never seen a fire horse, know it's very irritable temper, if it really want to force a breakthrough, with the two of them are not stopped down, but also had to tame the fire horse people inevitably non-pushovers, thus offended if the carriage of people, it is not good. "Sorry, very Hui who entered the city people, each required to pay two gold." One of the soldiers said. This is a means of Hunchun city very profitable, unless the original inhabitants of the city, otherwise outsiders into the city are required to pay fees every town, according to the number may be, the more the more people into the city to pay the fee, although two gold can make an ordinary family two months, but for most people, two gold what is not, in the city to find a place casually placed under stand, two gold and earn back all the time. So within the price of a lot of people into the city fees in an acceptable range. Soldiers finish the sentence, a slender hand stretched out from the window, palms impressively lying four gold coins. Soldiers through the cracks of the window looking into, and she vaguely see two shadows, and affordable fire horse who can not will be missing several gold, they took the four gold coins, did not ask to see the carriages let them past . Mali car, silent look of a small travel news and said, "Fortunately, I also had the gold, or else we have no access to even the gates." Peak smiled, did not tell him a thing, in fact, no gold will not be something, because you can substitute other things, but what if the value is higher than the four gold, the soldier would probably things themselves, and then their own money to the gold pad. This situation is not uncommon, nor prohibited Hui city very end to see soldiers of fortune. "Ling brothers, then we have to go?" Little Mo after the tour will close up a bag filled with gold, they look in high spirits lifted the curtain and looked out, there are busy streets full of people around, its grand town than to peace a lot of fun, not for a while, he put things outside the city was forgotten. "To go to auction to auction things reported up, the other after the talk." Peak lazy leaning on the car, his eyes fell on a small tour with emotion reddish silent on the side, grabbing the grabbing eyes. "Where is the auction?" You asked, curious little silent, but he was a bit puzzled, fire horse can really bring them to the exact destination? He never knew the horse will be your way, but he also knows the biological Lung continent not use common sense to infer. "At this end of the street." Peak said. Little Mo was about to travel up through the bead curtain, the carriage stopped abruptly, and sometimes did not prepare, the people go out into the Qianpu in the past, seeing to throw out a big hand Peak embrace, he blamed the fishing back. Tour small silent shock lying in his arms, before they ask ask what happened, the head was ringing Peak voice, "to the auction." When he finished, he jumped out of the carriage Peak will hold. Turbulent flow end of the street, the emergence of a man holding another man's picture, although the man is holding a teenager, looks relatively thin, but still can not change the fact that he is a man. Feel the cast surprised eyes of four weeks, a small silent tour blushed, quickly jump from Peak arms.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 102nd chapter rulesOn a page to return to the next pageOnly a few horses roared on the road, a yellow dust, Wanmabenteng momentum finally near Hunchun city a few hundred meters away and stopped, the towering giant gates will crowd silhouetted against an extremely small.Amusement etc. feel oneself very back. Finally the carriage stopped and started to get out to breathe, a team of horses suddenly from before he ran, the yellow dust raising horseshoe rushed to his face, even the mouth is."Ah bah......"Some of the depressed swimming motility etc. under the lips, spit saliva dirty yellow, too back.The colts, actually do not know others consider it, here is the Hun pole outside the city, here queue waiting people into the city every day do not know how many, they the news?, to be affected more than he a, a lot of people are with him was made his dusty face, just let him surprised is, they are exposed expression of a face of resentment.Wondering, someone gave him the answer."Boy, just spit on you?"A riding Malaysia's tall, thin man suddenly turned the horse's head toward the swim etc. walked to come over, watching is wipe the mouth of the You Xiaomo condescending, complexion Senran, like watching ants as.Swim etc. stay stay, what is this, don't make him a mouth dust, also allowed him to spit slobber as well?But it's hard to he should hear his voice in a spit slobber and hoofs.Just think of this, he saw the crowd all peep out a face of sympathy and the expression of regret, but absolutely no a will for his rescue, even a few hold arm face playful looked at the scene.You want to meditate on the small, asked, "do you have what thing?"Tall, thin man grinned, "boy, I can't see you there is a bit of bravery color, but in front of the uncle, courage is useless, the fist is the truth."Bile? You think he etc. lack most is like courage.But old a long time did not hear he mentioned the topic. He's also a bit impatient, body bumps for a long time, it will still uncomfortable, sidewalks, "the eldest brother, in the end you have what?"Tall, thin man looked at his face resistance, complexion a cold, stretched out hand back and touched, directly out of the crescent shaped sword, to face sluggish You Xiaomo directly cut it down, and said, "boy, I see you are the first to Hun very city, now I'll teach teach you a rule, here don't take their when onions, you in the eyes of the uncle, even the ants are not!"Travel etc. completely puzzled why this man suddenly blows right on cue, as if he didn't say what too much ah.But Scimitar and didn't get a chance to fall in the amusement etc., the car behind curtain stretched out a white jade like slender hand understatement catch Sharp Machete, let the tall, thin man no matter how hard machetes are unable to fall the nickels and dimes.Tall, thin man's facial expression change, eyes flashed a haggard, fierce drink a way, "is who dare to me spike help against, not desperately?? There is a kind of present origin!""Boy, I also teach you a rule in the front of his grandpa, don't try to move my people."Car curtain wind blowing, there came the sound of a mild, lazy the man's voice implies some magnetic and lazy, incompact not slow, evil spirit it is Orphean, however say words with deep contempt, struck with tall, thin man taut nerves.Followed by, a pair of silver white brocade boots will first set foot curtain out of the bus. Then, a long high Daxin man slowly walked out, a white gold soft robes flowing in the wind, dashing eyebrows star, warm and stylish, he won everyone's eye.Man the corners of the mouth with a balmy smile, as if in the general friend, and not a hand is holding high thin man scimitar.At the peak, little Mo Li moment trembling up to hide behind him.To look one eye distance he is close to the scimitar, shivered again. That was a close shave, not soar to the skies to be shot, he has now been each other in sunder the.He had a deep sense of crisis, the world is so terrible, even on the murder, he would like to return to the earth!Not so skinny man talk, soar to the skies and then bounced off the song refers to the scimitar.He snaps strength is not heavy, but tall, thin man but then do not live, coupled with his sitting on horseback, is the strength of the impact, the will from immediately turned down, body heavy fell on the ground, sparking a yellow dust."Well......" Tall, thin man fiercely coughed, hard climb up from the ground, he felt ribs were broken, look to soar to the skies, in the eyes of many trace fear and unwilling to malicious color, "you stand here don't run, spike help absolutely will not let you."To lift your eyes and look far not smoking a ready to help all the langya.Probably is to see the boss is easily knocked down, so one dare not rashly shots, could not help but chuckle a voice, is really a mob, this? The ability to dare to casual gossip."Idiot!" To laugh with a curse, and then only with travel back to the carriage, etc..At the same time, the fire horse quite spiritual trumpeted loudly, the hind feet pedal the twice, once again began to run, but the speed is relatively slow, there is no longer a bumpy feeling may is because here is Hun outside the city, crowded, not fast run.Behind the horse's hoof.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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