Sales and marketing will include all the efforts undertaken to sell the room and
services. The difference between tourism services and other products is that the consumer
actually goes to consume the product at the place of production and, therefore, all logistics and
distribution mechanisms are reversed.
Support activities facilitate the smooth functioning of primary activities and have an
indirect relationship with the process of adding value to the product. They include all the
administration and infrastructure required to run any business, such as accounting and finance.
The human resources management is in charge of making available the right human resources
for the operation of the organization. Product development aims at improving the existing
products and redesigning them in a way that maintains their attractive and appeal to new target
markets; and procurement deals with ensuring that all materials required for the organization are
purchased at appropriate prices. Naturally the higher the difference between the value added to
the product and the cost to the organization, the higher the profit margin and the benefit for the