The use of Tanaka as a result is
1. Use just plain water. Don't warm up. Don't cool, don't สรรสร้าง. According to all the formula that the more, the better. Such as
water carambola to wear, take the milk to remove honey to wear.Simple is the purity 2, truly
. If the page is available but not scrub acne is strictly prohibited. If it is more polished acne checkerboard
3.Tanaka is ideal to be contrary to people without acne, and whether it is dry skin, oily skin, mixed skin ตอนที่ขัด to gently. About just rubbed by thought. A Polish try not to "hit the surface. To gently greatly.And polishing just 5 minutes. Don't crazy สูตรพิสดาร that Polish 15 minutes.. well 5 minutes it is working already
at the end of 5 minutes and leave it until it's dry. Forward to friendships, white monkey like a monkey
4.The washing with plain water. No water is strictly prohibited. Clear light, if it is to open the shower gently and let it pour down on the page to a 2-3 minutes. And palm rubbed to light. The same principle isRinse clean successfully
5 to take honey water plain face left by massage a little left 10 minutes. ก็ล make out that for using
Tanaka. Nothing complicated and is a child.
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