If there is a human, commits fornication with the people of emperor clan, often Fei luck, but is the calamity.
At this moment, Chu Feng and others returned to the Asura palace, this fights them not only to win total victories, but also makes the common people also include them, experienced the great strength of Bai Ruo Chen.
The reputation of Asura department, raises once again, even today, has large quantities of disciple, wants to join the Asura department, the development speed of Asura department, simply is unique, and is irresistible.
„Cannot think that your this girl is so fierce, originally initially you were letting me, oh, owed I to be complacent some little time, did quite a while me to be inferior to you.”
In the Chu Feng living room, Chu Feng looks that is sitting well Bai Ruo Chen that tea, said in the expression of joke.
At this moment, Chu Feng understands finally why own mother has married Yuhua Sect Sect Master, but Bai Ruo Chen did not acknowledge that Yuhua Sect Sect Master was his father.
Very obviously, this is not Bai Ruo Chen is proud, but is she has this qualification, supposed that Bai Ruo Chen father, is human from the emperor clan, then in her eyes, Yuhua Sect Sect Master naturally does not match to be her father, even if the foster father is not good.
But Chu Feng power of observation, the analytical ability is also strong, therefore in his opinion, no matter the Bai Ruo Chen father, came from the emperor clan, but is the fierce character is at least right, otherwise Bai Ruo Chen cannot so.
„Little plays my joke, your thunder is fiercer than my Emperor rank bloodline, if same level cultivation is, I am unable to contend with you, your I compare, who who is weak, we are well aware.” Bai Ruo Chen has cast aside Chu Feng one, but the corners of the mouth are actually hanging the charming smiling face.
Although this Bai Ruo Chen is usually icy, is a standard incorruptible beautiful woman, but Chu Feng has to acknowledge that this smiles, but also the really beautiful spirit, has to absorb the person heart and soul likely the charm.
„Chu Feng, cannot think in your this Asura department, but also has hidden this kind of fierce talent.” Suddenly, the frank laughter, transmits from out of the door together slowly.
Hearing is Wei Elder sound, Chu Feng hurries with Bai Ruo Chen, walked, saw that is really Wei Elder visits, two people then together salute.
„Oh, does not need to be polite, is really the inborn beauty, the potential is infinite, no wonder on the same day can in the dark green deep medicine garden, obtain that good result.” Wei Elder has sized up Bai Ruo Chen, nod of appreciation.
„Elder overpraised.” Bai Ruo Chen modest saying.
„Just entered Azure Tree Mountain, then captures Qingmu to inherit the list ninth position, before long, entire Azure Tree Mountain will know your fierce, therefore you do not need to be modest, studies study Chu Feng, when should get rid gets rid, makes a great show of one's talents, in Azure Tree Mountain perhaps is not a misdemeanor.” Wei Elder genial saying with a smile, but in the words, in addition contains the profound meaning.
„Multi- Xie Changlao reminded, Ruochen knew.” Bai Ruo Chen nodded.
„Chu Feng, this, actually I have the matter to look for you today.” After Bai Ruo Chen exchanged greetings several, Wei Elder the vision went to Chu Feng.
„What doesn't know Elder?” Chu Feng asked.
„To open mind, sees Emperor-cloak World Spiritist?” Wei Elder said.