Decide on how many and what size bobby pins to dress up.
Consider what type of decoration you want for your bobby pins
Before you look outside your home, dig through your jewelry box to identify loose pearls, faux jewels or other pieces of broken jewelry that could be re-purposed for your pins.
Plan your clip design before you glue
Try a sample idea first. Before you glue that pearl and diamond flower together, place the jewels in the design shape to see if they will really work.
Mix and match accent pieces to arrive at the best design, Play around with gems or accent pieces before making them permanent.
Apply small dabs of glues to the design pieces first.Then attach to the clip. If you are creating a separate design, you may need to first glue the gems together to make the design, allow the design time to dry and then adhere the completed design in its whole shape to the bobby pin.
Let dry, Lay the bobby pins on a flat surface, away from pets or children for drying time. Even though the bobby pin may appear dry quickly, allow additional drying time so that the glue sets.
Finished Wear your jazzed up bobby pins with joy!