The present approved the project.The name Royal College of technology education CollegeSemester 1 academic year 2558 (2015)Project satisfaction surveys of foreign tourists who come to visit.Temple of the Emerald Buddha: tallestMay 25 – August 5 execution period 2558 (2015)The operation around Temple of the Emerald Buddha: tallest.The estimated expenditures 2000 baht.Responsible for project constellation, Ms. glass, Sri Indra. High floor, 2/10, no. 1Project consultants. Professor bloom jariya smell.Joint consultants. Professor Dr. Chitronrong Iamsamang Sign the project Chairman ..................................... (Ms. chat Sri Indra glass). .........../............/.............Comments of project Advisor.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project advisors sign ..................................... (Blossom scent jariya) ........../............/............The opinion of the head of the Department of foreign languages........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ลงชื่อ..................................... Head of Department (Putting thani Brand-new tantayaporn) ........../............/............Project satisfaction surveys of foreign tourists who come to visit.Temple of the Emerald Buddha: tallestResponsible for project constellation, Ms. glass, Sri Indra.Principle and reason. Thailand information online from the Government statistics disclosed Jan. 21, 2015, tourism, Thailand in recent years, the official said there is 2557 (2014) foreign tourists into the country to visit Thailand 24.77 million. Proceedings-11.47 million. Tourists who come to tour the country at most 3 countries including Thailand, China 4.62 million. 2.64 million people, Malaysia and Russia 1.60 million. This is an expansion of the foreign tourists who travel the country Thailand in quarter 4 found that tourists from several countries grew to 7% by nearly 70% expansion of China-specific effect allows the Department of tourism of the 2557 (2014) good year overall. Those who make it a priority of the evacuation of foreigners who visit Thailand, especially the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew), General fact is that there are numerous foreign tourists who come to visit a lot. Camps project satisfaction surveys of foreign tourists who come to visit the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew) General fact.The purpose.1. to survey customer satisfaction of foreign tourists to visit Wat Phra Kaew.2. to survey the needs of foreign tourists who come to visit the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.3. to study the problem of foreigners who visit Wat Phra Kaew.The target.The quantitative survey foreign tourists number of 200 people visit the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. 1. to use a qualitative skills to communicate with foreigners in English. 2. to know the problems that have been found of foreign tourists. 3. to understand the needs of foreign touristsThe method of operation.Activity monthMay month?June month.July monthAugust month.September monthOctober notes. 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2. 1. preparation stage. 202. operation phase 70.3. the final stage. 10.How to perform a project (summary)Preparation stage. 1. define the project header.2. design reviews and satisfaction of foreign tourists who have. Plug in Wat Phra Kaew3. the proposed questionnaire to request approval from a faculty adviser project.4. the proposed project satisfaction surveys of foreign tourists who come to visit.Temple of the Emerald Buddha: tallest for approval from the head of the Department of foreign languages.The stage action. 1. planning and educational paths to make projects. 2. start the surveyThe length of time and continue. May 25 – August 5 2558 (2015) To query the Wat Phra KaewBudget and resources โดยประมาณ 2000 บาทการติดตามและประเมินผล 1. ประเมินจากแบบสอบถาม 2. จากการสัมภาษณ์นักท่องเที่ยวผลที่คาดว่าจะได้รับ1. ได้ทราบถึงปัญหาของนักท่องเที่ยวชาวต่างชาติที่มาเยี่ยมชมวัดพระแก้ว2. ได้ใช้ทักษะในการสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ3. ได้ทราบความต้องการของนักท่องเที่ยวชาวต่างชาติต่อวัดพระแก้วผู้นำเสนอ………………………………………………………………………………………………………ลงชื่อ……………………………(นางสาวฉัตรแก้ว ศรีอินทร์)ประธานโครงการผู้ทบทวน………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ลงชื่อ……………………………………….(Blossom scent jariya)Project AdvisorSupplier approval……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ลงชื่อ……………………………………….(Putting brand-new tantayaporn thani)Head of the Department of foreign languages.
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