In fact, in the First Plane, were it not for her being completely on guard, she might very well have died at his hands. That matter had filled her heart with intense pain.
She immediately recognized Meng Hao. The complicated feelings in her heart had been knotting up there for more than a hundred years. When their gazes met, she gave him a slight nod.
Meng Hao gazed back silently for a moment and then looked away.
When he saw Li Shiqi, he instantly thought of Wang Youcai, who joined the Reliance Sect along with Meng Hao that year. He also thought of Little Tiger, who he hadn’t seen after leaving the State of Zhao. Perhaps he had left along with old turtle Reliance. 2
Before he realized what was happening, the feeling of the passage of time appeared in Meng Hao’s heart. He sighed inwardly. Sometimes, it is only when encountering old friends that such a feeling will give rise to sighing and sobbing.
Li Shiqi smiled slightly, looking very cool and collected. Meng Hao nodded, then glanced over the other Cultivators from the Southern Domain. The rest were people he didn’t recognize.
However, one of them gave him a feeling that reminded him of the Li Clan Dao Child who had died at his hands, Li Daoyi. 3
This new man was tall and strapping, with a gaze like a blade. He stood there like a sheathed sword, ready to burst into action and split apart Heaven and Earth.
This was the current generation Dao Child of the Li Clan, Li Tiandao!
There was another Cultivator who didn’t look very impressive. It was an old, gaunt man who appeared to be all smiles, but whose expression was one of envy as he looked at Meng Hao. Meng Hao didn’t recognize him, but as he stood there among the other Southern Domain Cultivators, he caused a feeling of loathing to rise up within Meng Hao.
He didn’t see anyone from the Violet Fate Sect, the Solitary Sword Sect, or any disciples from the other Sects. He was a bit puzzled by that, but this was not the time to make inquiries.
Finally there were Cultivators from the Western Desert, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say the Black Lands.
There was Zhao Fang and Duo Lan, as well as two others that he didn’t recognize. He didn’t see Patriarch Huyan anywhere. 4
There were quite a few people he didn’t know here; in contrast, everyone here seemed to know exactly who he was.
He was Ke Jiusi, son of a Paragon, the number one silkpants in the Demon Immortal Sect, one of the Masters of the Demon Entente. He was famous, which of course filled everyone here with envy.
That was especially so after the shocking events of the Demon Immortal Pagoda. The envy in some of these people was rooted deep in their hearts, and had transformed into deep jealousy.
To these people, Meng Hao was the Chosen of the illusory ancient Second Plane, brilliant and splendorous.
Glancing over them all, he grinned and leaned up against the doorframe. With a smile, he said, “Hello, Fellow Daoists. What matter is it that you wished to discuss here with humble old me?”