第113章 談崩上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 一進七星樓,大廳中議論得十分熱鬧的氣氛頓時安靜了下去。 一道道驚奇的目光落在凌霄和游小默身上,雖然 การแปล - 第113章 談崩上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 一進七星樓,大廳中議論得十分熱鬧的氣氛頓時安靜了下去。 一道道驚奇的目光落在凌霄和游小默身上,雖然 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第113章 談崩上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 一進七星樓,大廳中議論得十分

第113章 談崩
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伙計臉上一喜,“好 ,客人眼光不錯,我們七星樓最貴最好吃的菜就屬天寶雲鴨,八仙過海,龍門魚,請問您每種要幾盤?”掌櫃說的果然沒錯。







































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The 113th chapter breakdownPrevious page back next page A seven-floor discussion was very lively atmosphere in the Hall suddenly quieted down. One surprised eyes fall upon soar and You Xiaomo, although the auction but half an hour, but they and the man in black is already fine jade city spread. Two super black horse baby snap auction two finale, it is itself extremely nosy, You Xiaomo naturally are ignored, all looked in peak, this handsome men like your son, but cannot see where he is power. Soar does not pay attention to the strange look, feel free to find an empty table in the Hall sat down. Karstens You Xiaomo nature is following him, but I do not know, suddenly saw his shopkeeper and boy, suddenly face a change, remember that bad experience last night all of a sudden, this kid has come again ... ... "The shopkeeper, how do this again! ” Man cry, his impression of You Xiaomo deep than shopkeeper, because their man is his last night, just a few hours, he was called up and down five or six times, at that time almost unwittingly shopkeeper Masi. Shopkeeper wrinkled old face counselling, mouth, "don't worry, the auction has come to an end, if they continue to stay, they have to pay room and Board. ” "On Oh! "The guys immediately responded," what's next? He seems to be a big appetite. ” Shopkeeper treacherous immediately laughed, "enormous appetite is good, then he should be called a lot of food, you get in the past, they call, the more we earn more. ” "The shopkeeper wise! "Guys immediately thumbs," little go at once. ” So clever dispensers and buddy, finally not sad, especially guys, pick up the teapot on the counter immediately attentive towards You Xiaomo walked past the table, on his face, ' I must kill you up ' look. "Two Sir, what do you want to eat today? "Man, attentive to their cup of tea. Hungry a few hours of the auction You Xiaomo immediately forthright and said, "give me your most expensive restaurants on the most delicious dishes. "Of course, it is built on the Foundation of his money. Man face, "all guests the vision, our most expensive-seven best dishes is Tian Bao Yun duck, the Eight Immortals, Dragon fish, would you each want? "The shopkeeper said was right. "A dish! "You Xiaomo held up one finger. Dude smile of joy on the faces stiff moments, quickly raise hue and raise hue and asked, "Sir, can you repeat, you each want? ” "A, too much to eat. "Where You Xiaomo know in his mind over ideas, he'd forget last night to fellow and Treasurer of the shadow, he is now a multimillionaire, that temporarily left behind by his cheap, he ran out of money and perhaps one day will come to think of it again. Guys want to cry, most residents of this dish is their most delicious, but not spend much gold, and this man is not an enormous appetite, and three can eat so little? Was strongly against to the man back to the counter and told the shopkeeper about me, shopkeeper look just like guys start, eyes frequently look You Xiaomo says full of resentment. You Xiaomo slow, being old looked into would not feel so sad, can't help but wonder, "Ling Shi Xiong, the shopkeeper what has been staring at me? ” Soar-June a laughing smile on her face, the party has forgotten, but he does not forget that from the guys a look of excitement came when he guessed, the corner of a pick, "probably thought you were handsome. ” You Xiaomo blushed and quietly asked, "true or false? ” Peak slightly pleased by his tone of voice to MoE, I almost burst out laughing, this little guy, every surprise he was happy he was! "Of course ... ... It's true. ” You Xiaomo Le has, completely didn't found himself was playing has, because this is he first times heard others said he long have looks, since as has mirror Hou, he has been not think himself long have looks, because he now of face, on front world almost, are is belongs to compared doctrine of, both not special handsome or special beautiful, also not is too ordinary, at most is delicate. Peak I fear I will really laugh, quickly looking away from his face. At the same time, the stairs on the second floor heard a sudden THUMP of footsteps, people seeking prestige in the past, a red figure instant broke into the eye, was unfettered Hag wood away, surprisingly she didn't walk, but also in the seven buildings, some more sensitive people though they felt. All under the watchful eye of wooden peak at one table away fly went past. You Xiaomo looked up and saw a familiar pretty girl standing in front of him, beautiful followed by a commanding man faces, and paused, only after he found his voice, "you ... ... Can I help you? ” "Don't mind get a table? "Wood away smiles, smile while not brilliant, but also with some icing on the feeling of the good looks immediately brighter. Stay You Xiaomo speak four weeks there was a pumping sound. Free siren is famous for, almost no one in this Chamber did not know her, but in recognition, so no one has ever seen her smile to someone so gentle, knew something was wrong with at a glance. You Xiaomo wary glance at the peak of an eye, it was soft girl Yes, but also a nice soft girl, although he'd said don't mind, but the thought of soar yesterday because he said something like the look but very scary, he dare not, girl is precious, life is higher. Thinking about this, You Xiaomo fake coughed, of modest means look at the wood away, "I'm sorry, a little mind. ” Wood away beautiful of face Shang of smile almost guabuzhu, this Miss so a big beauty with you up a table has is to you face, you was also dare said mind, certainly, these are is psychological activities, were it not for another has purpose, she early lift table has, but see roundabout of approach not works, she also not prepared again loaded has, simply straight, "I has pieces thing wants to with II bit talk about. ” Old mouth slightly behind clouds, knew Miss sink lost its patience. You Xiaomo surprised, this soft-sister to eat, right? "Well, we don't know you. ” Muyao said with a smile, "now do not know. ” You Xiaomo cannot hold the soft girl wants to talk to them about what should soar to talk with and felt that he should immediately handed a eye soar, "on you! ” Soar to receive his signals, eye smile more, lazy narrowing my eyes, gentle and humble to the wood away saying, "I know what you want to talk about, but I'm sorry, no. ” Wood away from the mouth, and not say a Word. This man really is not at all, not only straight and talk really is straight to the point, although she really don't have too high expectations, but was refused, she was a little upset, you really want to go because his words, she was unworthy of women these two characters. "What two conditions, just ask. "Under the wood away from the rising anger because of the excitement, says slowly. You Xiaomo stared at her the look, soft sister couldn't understand the words. Peak seems to be thought and said, "mother, we do not sell, but no. ” Although he has repeatedly stressed, but the wood away or not, good things like ichor, who wouldn't like to have a little for a rainy day, so she is determined not to believe what they say. "The two should be the first laihui city. "Wood far away eyes turn suddenly lowered his voice and said to the two men," today you beat Bliss at the auction floor and blood, taking away their competitive beasts and eggs, with their wind, will certainly miss you, if you are going to give me a bottle of spirit solution ... ... No glass or bottle or happy can you safely leave Hun, how? ” Peak did not respond, You Xiaomo was little jump. She said Bliss, floor, and blood is in their city when they left Hun? It can be small or large, they Rob, they only two people, but strictly speaking, there is only one. "Ling Shi brothers......" You Xiaomo look to soar. Soar down with one hand playing with the Cup, a faint smile looking wood away, "your condition is very exciting, but I have to say, and ichor is gone, you're good, and we can't get it out, why do you continue to haunt us? ” Wood away face moment sank, her persuasion, I can't believe these people are the hard way, are no longer greeted with a smile and stood up and away and said, "in that case, wood away to wish them good luck, not being robbed at the gate, when it's too late! ” Having said that, she would shake their heads and leave, clouds old boy with a deep look a peak and You Xiaomo glance, with leave.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 113 that collapsed
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into a seven floor, the hall the atmosphere was very lively debate quieted down. Surprised eyes fell on a road trip Peak and Little Mo who, although but half an hour, but they and the man in black, but things have been spread from the city of Hunchun very end of the auction. Two super black horse candid finale of the auction two baby, it itself is a very nosy, Little Mo swim naturally ignored all of them have looked at the Peak, like the name of your son like a handsome man, they did not see him in the end is where the forces. Peak does not care about these strange eyes, in the hall We find a random empty table to sit down. Little Mo small attendant tour naturally followed him, but I do not know, suddenly saw his treasurer and the man, his face suddenly changed, and all of a sudden think that part of the bad experience last night, this kid actually go again ...... "shopkeeper, how do this man again! " Distressed man, his impression of the tour is also deeper than the small silent treasurer, responsible for their last night because it is he who, just a few hours, he was called up and down five or six times, then almost unwittingly also treasurer Masi. Treasurer wrinkled old face counseling move a little, mouth a pumping, "This do not worry, the auction has ended, they will continue to stay if you must pay for the room and meals. " " Oh for!" Man suddenly react, "then the next how to do? he seems to be a big eater." treacherous shopkeeper immediately laughed, "big eaters go, then he should be called a lot of food, you quickly in the past, the more they called we earn more. " " treasurer wise! "man thumbs up immediately," immediately went small. " so, think clever man and treasurer, and finally no longer anxious, especially guys, pick up teapot on the counter immediately attentive towards travel little Mo went over that table, his face wearing 'today I have to kill your meal' expression. "The two Keguan, what to eat today?" Guys were attentive to them pour a cup of tea. At an auction a few hour tour hungry little silent immediately forthright said, "Give me the most expensive restaurant you the best food they eat." Of course, it is built on the basis of his money. The face of a happy man, "Well, the guests look good, we are building the most expensive seven most delicious food in the case of Tempo cloud duck, Eight Immortals, gantry fish, would you want to each of several dishes?" Said shopkeeper was right. "One!" Tour Little Mo put up a finger. Folks smile on face stiff moment of joy, and soon stammered asked, "Ke Guan, you can you say it again, you want to each of several dishes? ' ' One, will not eat too much of." Where silent small tour knew in his heart turn any idea, he would have forgotten his last night to bring folks and the shadow treasurer, and now he is a multimillionaire, and that what petty temporarily forget about him, so one day he they might think of the money up. Man cry, the three dish though is their most expensive building the best food, but it will not take much gold, and that the people are not big eaters it, so few will be able to have enough to eat three plates? Is strong blow to the back counter with folks talking whisper treasurer, treasurer of expression just the beginning folks like to travel frequently to see Little Mo's vision can be said Resentment full. Little Mo tour again hindsight, was staring at the old so Resentment does not not feel, can not help but wonder, "Ling brothers, what the treasurer do staring at me?" Peak Jun laughing smile face touch, the parties have forgotten, but he will not forget, folks from the look of excitement came when he guessed, pick a mouth, "you probably think it looks nice." little Mo tour blushed a bit, and after a will only whisper asked, "really?" Peak is coursing his tone slightly to Meng to, almost can not help but laugh, this little guy every time gave him special surprise, really Lesi him! "Of course ...... really." Small tour Melo, and did not find that they have been completely fooled, because this is the first time he heard someone say he looks nice, since according to the mirror, he has not considered her face Attractive because of his face now, just past almost belong to more moderate, neither particularly handsome or particularly beautiful, but also does not seem too trivial, at best considered handsome. Peak afraid that they really can not help but laugh, quickly gaze away from his face. At this point, the direction of the stairs on the second floor of a sudden burst of tapping footsteps, people look for prestige in the past, a touch of red figure instantly into the eye, actually Happy Vamp wooden doors away, think she is not gone, but also Seven building, some of the more sensitive people suddenly feel Me. In the crowd watched, wooden table went away, waving toward the Peak. Little Mo tour would see the rise of a little familiar with beautiful people standing in front of him, also followed behind a beautiful face dignified old man, can not help but froze a moment, he had the will to find her own voice, "you ...... What do you want? " " scrape together a table do not mind it? "wood walk smiled, a smile if not shine, but also with something of the feeling of icing on the cake, this would good looks suddenly more dazzling. Little Mo wait for tour to speak, surrounded rang exhaust sound waves. Happy Vamp door but notoriously, almost no one here who does not know her, because of understanding, so no one has ever seen her laugh so gentle to which people, to see that she was wrong. Tour Little Mo cautiously glanced at a Peak, which is soft sister Yeah, but still pretty soft sister, though he wanted to say no mind, but the thought of Peak yesterday because he said something like become very frightening appearance, he would not dare, and sister is precious, life is even more. Think of this, pretending to swim Little Mo coughed, meaning modest look to the wood away, "Sorry, little mind." Wood away beautiful smile on the face of almost embarrassing, the lady with such a big beautiful you hash table Operators have to face you, mind you even dare to say, of course, these are the mental activity, but for another purpose, she would lift the table, but to see a roundabout way does not work, she is not prepared to re-installed, altogether straight to the point, "I have something I'd like to talk about two." behind the cloud old mouth slightly drawn, you know Miss Shen could not temper. Tour Little Mo surprised, this is not to eat soft sister do? "Well, we did not recognize you." Wood away, laughing, "Now do not you know." Little Mo tour really catch the soft sister wanted to talk about what they are, and he should also feel the need to talk to talk to the Peak immediately handed a look to the Peak, "Come up!" Peak signal received his eyes smile surpassed, lazy eye squint under mulberry,温文谦away and said to the wood, "I know you want to talk about anything, but I'm sorry, no. " wood opened his mouth away, a time to say a word came. This man really is rude, not only straight to the point, but it really is straightforward to speak to the extreme, though she did not report too much expectations, but was rejected so directly, that she was a little upset, because he really want this sentence go, she unworthy of the word Vamp. "What two conditions, despite the opening." Wood away under pressure slowly rising with emotion anger, slowly said. Tour Little Mo looked at her and looked, this original soft sister who did not understand the words. Peak seems had expected, and said, "Mother, not that we do not sell, but no." Although he repeatedly stressed, however remote the wood do not believe this was a good thing as the spirit, who will not give yourself a little to prepare rainy day, so she determined not to believe them. "The two should be the very first time in Hunchun City bar." Wood eye Chu a turn away, suddenly lowered his voice to the two said, "Today you beat the Bliss House and the blood of evil were at auction, they took away the competition Wicked eggs to make them act in the wind, certainly will not let you, if you are willing to give me a bottle of bottle of bottle of spirit was ...... no good, Happy door can keep you safe departure from the city of Hunchun pole, how ? " Peak did not respond, travel little Mo was a little shocked. According to her say, Bliss House and the blood of evil were intended when they left the city for their very Hui shot? This matter big or small, they really want to rob, they are only two people, but strictly speaking, there is only one. "Ling brothers ......" You look to the Little Mo Peak. Peak hands down playing with the cup, the nearest approach to look away from the wood, "Your condition is very impressive, but I have already said, is not really a spiritual solution, then you're nice, we also get it out, why should you continue to haunt us? " wood instant sank his face away, she Haoshuodaishuo, they still think of this toast Monastic, no longer greeted immediately stood up submissively said," Since so, I wish you both good luck wood away, do not be out of the city when it was robbed, when regret! " when he finished, she shakes leave, looking deep cloud old looked Peak and little Mo tour one, only to follow to leave.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
第 113 章 談崩上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁一進七星樓, 大廳中議論得十分熱鬧的氣氛頓時安靜了下去.一道道驚奇的目光落在凌霄和游小默身上, 雖然距離拍賣會結束不過半個小時, 但是他們和黑袍人的事情卻已經在琿極城傳開了.兩匹超級黑匹搶拍了拍賣會兩件壓軸寶貝, 這件事本身就極具八卦, 游小默很自然的被忽略了, 個個都在打量著凌霄, 這名像貴公子般的英俊男子, 卻始終看不出他到底是何方勢力.凌霄並未理會這些異樣的目光, 在大廳中隨意的找了張空桌子坐下.小跟班游小默自然是跟著他, 卻不知, 驟然看到他的掌櫃和伙計, 突然臉色一變, 一下子想起昨晚那段不好的經歷, 這小子竟然又來了..."掌櫃, 怎麼辦, 這個人又來了!"伙計哭喪著臉, 他對游小默的印象比掌櫃還深刻, 因為昨晚負責他們的人就是他, 短短幾個時辰, 他就被上上下下叫了五六回, 當時差點被還不知情的掌櫃罵死.掌櫃布滿皺紋的老臉慫動了一下, 嘴角一抽 ", 這次不用擔心了, 拍賣會已經結束, 他們如果還要繼續住下來, 必須付房費和伙食費"."對哦!" 伙計頓時反應過來 ", 那接下來怎麼辦? 他似乎是個大胃王".掌櫃立刻奸詐的笑起來 ", 大胃王才好, 接下來他應該會叫很多食物, 你趕緊過去, 他們叫得越多, 我們就賺得越多"."掌櫃英明!" 伙計立刻豎起大拇指 ", 小的立刻就去".于是, 自以為聰明的掌櫃和伙計, 終于不再愁眉苦臉, 特別是伙計, 拿起櫃台上的茶壺立刻殷勤的朝游小默那一桌走過去, 臉上掛著 "我今天一定要宰你一頓" 的表情."兩位客官, 今天想吃什麼?" 伙計殷勤的給他們分別倒了杯茶.在拍賣會餓了幾個時辰的游小默當即豪爽的說道 ", 給我上你們酒樓最貴最好吃的菜". 當然, 這是建立在他有錢的基礎上.伙計臉上一喜 ", 好, 客人眼光不錯, 我們七星樓最貴最好吃的菜就屬天寶雲鴨, 八仙過海, 龍門魚, 請問您每種要幾盤?" 掌櫃說的果然沒錯."一盤!" 游小默豎起一根手指.伙計臉龐上喜悅的笑意瞬間僵硬了, 旋即吶吶的問道 ", 客官, 您可不可以再說一次, 您每種要幾盤?""一盤, 太多會吃不下的". 游小默哪里知道他心里在轉什麼想法, 他早就忘了自己昨晚帶給伙計和掌櫃的陰影, 現在的他已經是千萬富翁了, 那啥貪小便宜暫時被他拋到腦後, 等哪天他又沒錢了或許會再想起來.伙計想哭, 這三盤菜雖然是他們樓里最貴最好吃的, 但是也花不了多少金幣呀, 而且, 這個人不是大胃王麼, 三盤這麼少就能吃得飽?被強烈打擊到的伙計回櫃台跟掌櫃說起悄悄話, 掌櫃的表情就跟伙計一開始一樣, 頻頻看向游小默的眼光可以說幽怨十足.游小默再後知後覺, 被人老這麼幽怨的盯著也不會沒感覺, 不禁納悶了 ", 凌師兄, 那個掌櫃做什麼一直盯著我看?"凌霄俊臉上露出一抹忍俊不禁的笑意, 當事人已經忘記了, 可他卻不會忘記, 從那個伙計一臉興奮的走過來的時候他就猜到了, 嘴角一挑 ", 大概是覺得你長得好看吧".游小默臉紅了一下, 過了會才小聲的問道 ", 真的假的?"凌霄被他那略帶竊喜的語氣給萌到, 差點忍不住笑起來, 這小家伙, 每次都能帶給他特別的驚喜, 真是樂死他了!"當然... 是真的".游小默樂了, 完全沒發現自己被耍了, 因為這是他第一次听到別人說他長得好看, 自從照了鏡子後, 他一直不認為自己長得好看, 因為他現在的臉蛋, 就跟前世差不多, 都是屬于比較中庸的, 既不會特別帥或者特別漂亮, 也不會顯得太平凡, 頂多算清秀.凌霄怕自己真的會忍不住笑出來, 連忙將視線從他的臉上移開.就在這時, 二樓的樓梯方向突然響起一陣咚咚咚的腳步聲, 眾人尋聲望過去, 一抹紅色的身影霎時闖入眼簾, 竟是逍遙門的妖女木遙, 想不到她還沒有走, 而且還在七星樓里, 一些比較敏感的人頓時覺得有戲.在眾人的注視下, 木遙翩然朝凌霄一桌走了過去.游小默抬頭便見一個有點眼熟的漂亮美女站在他面前, 美女身後還跟著個面相威嚴的老頭, 不禁愣了一下, 過了會他才找回自己的聲音 ", 你們... 有什麼事嗎?""不介意湊一張桌吧?" 木遙微微一笑, 笑容雖然不至于光芒萬丈, 卻也帶著幾分錦上添花的感覺, 本就漂亮的容貌頓時更加耀眼了.不待游小默說話, 四周就響起一陣陣
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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