1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
[TaoHun] Because TaoRis is REAL. loll. and Tao is for Kris, while Thehun is for Luhan ONLY.
2. Who is someone you know that ships #14?
[JunSoo] JunSoo stans probably. loll
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
[BaekYeol] Bacon being so clingy to Jongin, while Channie was there at the corner looking at Bacon, waiting for him to come near him and when he comes, he’ll give Bacon a back-hug and says, “I’ve been waiting for you to come near me, Please don’t be so clingy to anyone, I’m jealous. I want you to stay always by my side. I love you.” RLAB.
4. Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?
[TaoRis] Too many moments and I just love all those moments. ;) I guess my fave moment for now is *hmmm..* maybe the moment at Asian Idol Awards last 28th of July, where Tao hugs Kris after hearing that they won and all they did that time. haha.
5. How long have you been following couple #5?
[SuLay] uhmm.. few months ago I guess.
6. What’s the story with #8? What made you stop liking/caring them?
[SuChen] I just realized how sweet SuLay is, and so as XiuChen. ;)
7. You have the power to make one ship non-existence. Choose from #10 or #12
[SuTao/KrisYeol] KrisYeol. LOLL. Yeol’s for Bacon only. Vice-versa.
8. Which ship do you prefer #2 or #4?
[HunHan/KaiSoo ] HunHan.♥ My 2nd OTP ofcourse. ;)
9. What interests you about #14?
[JunSoo] Well, Jun being the father when M is not around, and Kyungie being the mother who cook for his Hubby and children. :) hihi~
10. Why did you stop liking #7?
[SeKai] Well, form the start I’m a HunHan shipper as well, seeing SeKai together, I just find them brothers, just brothers. No spark and all. loll.
11. What’s a song that reminds you of #2?
[HunHan] I don’t know. My mind is always occupied by TaoRis. :P
12. Have #2 kissed yet?
[TaoRis] Maybe? They’re close as hell. haha. And I think that already happpened without us knowing. hahaha
13. Did #4 have a happy ending?
[KaiSoo] They soon will have. haha. I just know. loll.
14. What would make you start shipping #13?
[KaiLu] Seeing them together always, holding hands and such. But still, I will never abandon HunHan. haha :)) My real OTPs will always be my OTPs. :))
15. If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #5?
[HunHan/SuLay] HunHan. ;)
16. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
[SuTao] Just Mother and Son. loll.
17. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Ofcourse it’s TAORIS! loll. NONE OTHER THAN TAORIS. ♥ They’re just sooo REAL. I JUST KENNOT.