WatchKit Is Here! Creating Apps for the Apple WatchAs promised, Apple  การแปล - WatchKit Is Here! Creating Apps for the Apple WatchAs promised, Apple  จีน วิธีการพูด

WatchKit Is Here! Creating Apps for

WatchKit Is Here! Creating Apps for the Apple Watch

As promised, Apple has delivered its first version of WatchKit, which allows you to create apps for the upcoming Apple Watch. In a surprising move, Apple released information regarding its new WatchKit in a web page open to the general public.

New Information on the Apple Watch
In the information that Apple has made publicly available, here are some new things we have learned about Apple Watch:

The main part of a Watch App runs on the iPhone, not the Apple Watch! You deliver a Watch App within your iPhone App.
There are two parts of a Watch App are:
WatchKit Extension – This is the main app that actually runs on the iPhone.
User Interface – The app’s user interface is installed on the Apple Watch.
When a user launches your app on Apple Watch, the associated WatchKit extension is launched in the background on the iPhone.
The 38mm watch is 272×340 pixels and the 42mm watch is 312×390 pixels, which makes them Retina-quality.
Apple created a new San Francisco font specifically for legibility on the Apple Watch.
You can change the default font size on an Apple Watch.
When a notification is sent to Apple Watch, the wearer first receives a short-look notification containing a minimal amount of information. If the wearer keeps their wrist raised during a short-look notification, after a moment, it turns into a long-look notification, which contains more detailed information.
Even if you haven’t built a Watch App yet, wearers can still receive notifications on Apple Watch from your iOS apps.
Instead of referring to Watch App “users”, Apple refers to them as “wearers”. This is an important mind-set for developers to remember as they create Watch Apps.
It will be interesting to see how consumers respond to this iPhone / Apple Watch connection, and how well the link between the two devices works.

3 Ways to Interact With Apple Watch
There are three main ways your iOS app running on an iPhone can interact with Apple Watch:

WatchKit Apps – Your create a user interface that is installed on the Apple Watch that the wearer interacts with. The wearer can manually launch the app from the Home screen of their Apple Watch.
Actionable Notifications – Your app can send notifications the wearer can respond to by selecting an action, which can transition them to a specific area of your Watch App, or viewed later in Apple Watch Notification Center.
Glances – You can provide read-only alerts, which gives users an abbreviated view of important information in your app.
The Watch app is comprised of these two main pieces, one that runs on the iPhone and another on the Apple Watch:

The WatchKit Extension runs on the iPhone. It executes code in response to user interactions on Apple Watch.
The Watch App’s user interface is located on the Apple Watch. It’s loaded from a bundle containing your storyboard, images and other resources.
When the wearer views your Watch App, Notification, or Glance, Apple Watch loads the appropriate interface. It communicates with the iPhone and tells it to run your WatchKit extension.

As the user interacts with the Watch App, Apple Watch and iPhone send information back and forth. User interaction on Apple Watch, causes code to be executed in your WatchKit extension on the iPhone. Your code on the iPhone updates the Watch App user interface and performs tasks related to providing data to the Watch App.

Watch Apps in Xcode
You need to get Xcode 6.2 beta from the iOS Dev Center in order to create Watch Apps.

To create a Watch App, you add a new Watch App target to your existing iOS app. Your iOS app installs and manages your Watch app. You use the same familiar Xcode tools such as storyboards and code editors to design a Watch App.

The iOS Simulator allows you to view and debug your Watch app. To view the Watch App in the Simulator, select one of the Apple Watch options in the Simulator’s Hardware menu. You can even test and debug custom notifications in the iOS Simulator.

WatchKit Framework
There are a variety of UI elements in WatchKit framework that you can incorporate in your Watch Apps. Here are some of the controls highlighted by Apple:

Dates and timers update their values dynamically. Once set, these objects run autonomously on the Apple Watch and do not need additional intervention from your WatchKit extension on the iPhone.

The Map control is a non-interactive version of the standard map interface. You create a map snapshot in your WatchKit extension on the iPhone and send it to the Apple Watch for display. When the user taps the map control, it takes them to the Maps App on the Apple Watch.

A wearer displays a menu in your app using a force touch gesture. A menu can contain one to four items and each menu item consists of an icon and a label (the label can contain two lines of text).

Where to Learn More
I’ve just touched the surface of all the information Apple has released about Apple Watch Apps. To find out more, check out this link, which includes a 27-minute video that provides an overview of the development process. I’m looking forward to diving in and will be writing more about WatchKit in this column!
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ผลลัพธ์ (จีน) 1: [สำเนา]
WatchKit 是在这里 !苹果表创建的应用程序像承诺的那样,苹果公司已经交付的第一个版本的 WatchKit,允许您创建应用程序,为即将到来的苹果手表。在一个惊人的举动,苹果公司发布了其新的 WatchKit,在向公众开放的网页中的资料。苹果手表最新信息在苹果公司公开发表的信息中,下面是一些新的东西,我们已经了解苹果的手表:监视应用程序的主要部分在 iPhone,不包括苹果表上运行 !你在你的 iPhone 应用程序内提供一个监视应用程序。有一个监视应用程序的两个部分是:WatchKit 扩展 — — 这是主要的应用程序,实际上在 iPhone 上运行。用户界面 — — 应用程序的用户界面安装在苹果手表上。当用户启动您的应用程序,苹果的手表时,在 iPhone 上的背景启动关联的 WatchKit 扩展。38 毫米手表为 272 × 340 像素,42 毫米手表是 312 × 390 像素,这使得他们视网膜质量。苹果在苹果手表上创建一个新的 San Francisco 字体,专门为易读。您可以更改默认的字体大小,苹果值班。当通知发送到苹果手表时,佩戴者首次接收短看通知,其中包含最少量的信息。如果佩戴者保持期间短看通知,过了一会儿,提出其手腕它变成一个长看通知,其中载有更详细的信息。即使你没有建立一个监视应用程序,然而,穿戴者仍然可以接收来自你的 iOS 应用程序的苹果值班的通知。而不是指监督程序"用户",苹果将他们称为"佩戴者"。这是重要的思维方式对于开发人员来说,要记住他们创建监视应用程序。它将是有趣的看看消费者如何回应这个 iPhone / 苹果手表连接和两个设备之间的联系的工作。3.如何与苹果手表进行交互有三种主要的方式,您在 iPhone 上运行的 iOS 应用程序可以与苹果手表进行交互:WatchKit 应用程序 — — 你创建一个用户界面,安装在佩戴者与交互的苹果手表上。佩戴者可以手动启动该应用程序从自己的苹果手表的主页屏幕。可操作的通知 — — 您的应用程序可以发送通知,佩戴者可以回应到所选择的操作,这可以在过渡期间给您监视的应用程序的特定区域或查看后来苹果手表通知中心。目光 — — 您可以提供只读的警报,这让用户的重要信息缩略的视图在您的应用程序。体系结构监视应用程序的两个主要片段之一,又拿一块作成观察有苹果的 iPhone 上运行由以下组成:在 iPhone 上运行 WatchKit 扩展。它在观察苹果的用户交互的响应中执行代码。监视应用程序的用户界面位于苹果手表。包含您的演示图板、 图像和其他资源包中加载它。当佩戴者查看您的监视应用程序,通知或眼时,苹果手表加载适当的接口。它与 iPhone 进行通信,并告诉它将运行您的 WatchKit 扩展。作为用户与监视应用程序进行交互,苹果的手表和 iPhone 来回发送信息。用户交互作用对苹果的手表,会导致代码在您的 iPhone 上的 WatchKit 扩展中执行。你在 iPhone 上的代码更新监视应用程序的用户界面,并执行向监视应用程序提供数据相关的任务。Xcode 的监视应用程序您需要从 iOS 开发人员中心那里得到 Xcode 6.2 beta 版,从而创建监视应用程序。若要创建一个表的应用程序,你将新的监视应用程序目标添加到您现有的 iOS 应用程序。你的 iOS 应用程序安装并管理您的手表的应用程序。您使用相同的熟悉 Xcode 工具,例如演示图板和代码编辑器来设计一个监视应用程序。IOS 模拟器允许您查看和调试您的手表的应用程序。若要查看监视应用程序在模拟器中,该模拟器硬件菜单中选择苹果手表选项之一。你甚至可以测试和调试 iOS 模拟器中的自定义通知。WatchKit 框架有各种各样的 WatchKit 框架可以包含在您的监视应用程序的 UI 元素。这里是一些由苹果公司突出显示的控件:日期和计时器动态更新它们的值。一旦进行了设置,这些对象在苹果手表上自主运行并且不需要额外的干预,从您在 iPhone 上的 WatchKit 扩展。地图控件是一个非交互式版本标准 map 接口。您在您在 iPhone 上的 WatchKit 扩展创建地图快照并将其发送给苹果手表显示。当用户点击地图控件时,带他们到苹果值班的地图应用程序。佩戴者在您的应用程序使用武力触摸笔势会显示菜单。菜单可以包含一到四个项目,每个菜单项由一个图标和一个标签 (该标签可以包含两行文本) 组成。在何处可以了解更多我只被触及表面的苹果已发布的关于苹果监视应用程序的所有信息。要了解更多信息,请查阅此链接,其中包括 27 分钟的视频,提供发展过程的概述。我期待着潜水,会写更多关于 WatchKit 在本专栏中 !
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (จีน) 3:[สำเนา]


新信息对Apple Watch

要看消费者如何应对这个iPhone /苹果手表连接有趣的,以及如何做好链接的两个设备之间的



的watchkit扩展运行在iPhone。它执行代码在Apple Watch用户交互响应。
当佩戴者的意见你的手表的应用程序,通知,或眼,Apple Watch载入适当的接口。它与iPhone和告诉它运行你的watchkit延伸。

作为用户与应用程序交互的手表,苹果手表和iPhone来回传送信息。在Apple Watch用户交互,导致代码执行在你的iPhone上watchkit延伸。你在iPhone应用程序的用户界面代码更新表并执行对手表应用程序提供数据相关的任务。

你需要从为iOS开发中心得到Xcode 6.2 Beta看创建应用程序。







การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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