2.2 Developmental characteristics of fruits and vegetables
Fruit ripening is characterized by several marked physiological and biochemical changes
resulting in the coordinated development of complex characteristics. Following pollination
and fertilization, the fruit develops in size leading to the ripening process, which results in
the development of ideal organoleptic characters such as taste, color, and aroma that are
important quality-determining features. Fruits that are used as vegetables are harvested early
prior to their ripening. The physiological process of ripening occurs rapidly when the fruit
is mature, and beyond a certain stage, harvested fruits undergo rapid deterioration in quality.
Ideally, fruits are harvested at an optimal physiological stage or maturity characteristic to
the type of fruit, after which appropriate storage procedures can be adopted for preserving
the shelf life and quality of the fruits. Fruits do not ripen fully showing the appropriate
quality characteristics if picked at a young stage before the attainment of physiological
maturity. Citrus fruits are allowed to fully ripen before they are harvested. Avocado fruits
do not ripen if left on the tree and start ripening only after harvest. Irrespective of the
nature of the produce whether it is fruits, vegetables, or flowers, various technologies such
as cold storage, controlled atmosphere storage, and inhibition of hormone and enzyme
action are adopted to slow down the metabolic processes to provide an optimal quality
produce for marketing and consumption. Advances in the biochemistry and molecular
biology of the fruit ripening process have enabled the development of biotechnological
strategies for the preservation of postharvest shelf life and quality of fruits, vegetables, and