We need to give money to the pig.
Originally, you put the money...
- in the pig's mouth. - Now,
we are going to...
- pour milk for one another. - All right.
(I got it.)
I will pour it for you first.
Please accept the milk.
(It is milk that he is pouring.)
We should devote ourselves in conducting the ritual.
Let's start.
- Should we bow? - Yes.
(The husband follows the wife.)
It's my first time seeing someone using a piggy bank for that.
It's the first time I see something like that.
(What did you pray for?)
I wished for our happiness.
I thought, "I'm really living here."
I finally felt that.
The husband just did what I asked him.
There is nothing like that in the U.S.
It was a new experience for me.
And it was a good one.
(He follows whatever she's doing.)
This is our tradition from a long time ago.
- Are we done? - Yes, we're done.
Now, we should drink the milk.
Cheers. How about a lover's shot?
We can't drink like that.