Dear Colleagues,
Erika Burmeister (copied) has identified you as an employee with certain job functions or responsibilities that relate to two new occupational medicine standards to be launched in 2014. These standards pertain to: 1) Occupational Medical Confidentiality and Record Keeping; and 2) Medical Treatment and Biohazard Control.
To help you in the successful implementation of these new standards, Erika Burmeister, Marie Capdevielle, Marisol Bravo and myself invite you to a one hour webinar designed to:
1) Highlight the importance of these standards as part of the Colgate-Palmolive global EOHS program.
2) Familiarize you with the requirements of both standards
3) Identify the critical actions for your functional area
4) Define the implementation date for each standard
5) Address questions you may have