Study on the free way (Liberal Art Ed.) with a general education (General Ed.) affect managed educational doctorate degree (prot.The Thai nation) is to create a stir with both ability and behaviour that will attempt to reach an agreement on the issue is the fact the theory and practice of using the debate as a reason, and in accordance with the main goal of the study.Nawaseri is the creation of people who have both capability and behaviour that will attempt to reach an agreement on the issue is the fact the theory and practice of using the debate as a reason, and in accordance with the general education courses that aim to develop a real.Yonhai has extensive knowledge. There is a wide range of lokthat far. To understand the nature, to understand ourselves. Understand other people and society are curious to think there is a reason to use language in meaningful contact with our moral as well. The knowledge can be applied to life and livelihood are in good society roast – backpack.
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