Our system is able to select the earning opportunities that best fit you once you share some basic information with us. The more you share the better we can match earning opportunities with you.
If you want to skip some questions, please join your social media account.
Please choose the options that best describe your household:
I am pregnant/expecting a child within the next 9 months
I have one or more children under the age of 18 living in my household
I have one or more children aged 18 or older living in my household
I have no children living in my household and I am not pregnant/expecting a child within the next 9 months
In your household, are you the person who makes most of the daily purchasing decisions?
Yes, I am
No, someone else makes the decisions
Share decisions equally
What best describes your current household?
Rented apartment
Owned apartment
Rented house
Owned house
University Residence
Living with parents
How often do you go to the movie theater?
Less than once a month
1-2 time per month
2-3 times per month
3-4 times per month
4-5 times per month
Five or more times per month
I don't go to movie theaters
Prefer not to answer
Do you use a smart phone?
Yes, for business
Yes, for personal
Yes, for both
I don't own a smartphone
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