C. 1863 he was the Telegraph staff Fri. C. 1864 recorder Fri scoring had been fabricated by him.1883. a new generation of light bulbs Fri can be used in a household have been fabricated by him. C. 1884 his wife Mary Fri died down.
. Since 1863 he is an employee Telegraph . Since 1864 record points tally was invented by him . Since 1883 light bulb that can be used in the household have been invented by him . Since 1884, Mary. His wife died
He is a ค.ศ 1863 send a telegram ค.ศ 1864 recorder score was invented by him ค.ศ 1883 lamp model, that can be used in household was invented by him. ค.ศ 1884 Mary, his wife died.