The door opened, and a teacher walked in leading Changyang Hu. Changyang Hu was currently wearing a new academy uniform, but scars still clearly covered his face.
“Chang Bai!” Changyang Hu yelled the moment he walked in, he was unable to contain his emotions as he spoke with astonishment.
The teacher didn’t enter the headmaster’s office. After sending Changyang Hu in, and sending the headmaster his respects, he lightly closed the door and left.
Chang Bai’s eyes lingered onto the scar on Changyang Hu’s face, his pair of ordinary looking eyes finally revealed some fury in them. Without any other external movements, he spoke, “Eldest Master, you’ve suffered greatly.”
Changyang Hu shook his head without any mind, and said, “It’s just a bit of injury, nothing major. However, Chang Bai, why did you come to the academy?” Changyang Hu asked in confusion.
Chang Bai’s face didn’t react in the slightest, and instead said gently, ‘Eldest Master, Fourth Master, you should go pick up the rest of your things.”
Jian Chen quietly nodded without saying a word.
“I’ve already packed everything, Chang Bai, did you come to take me away?” Changyang Hu asked in a reluctant tone.
Chang Bai nodded, “Correct, I’ve come today to pick you two up and depart from the academy. It would be unwise for you two to continue living at Kargath Academy.”
Hearing this, Changyang Hu’s expression became dark. He had spent quite a long time at Kargath Academy, and had already developed special feelings of attachment towards it.
“Changyang Hu, Changyang Xiang Tian, you two should first head out, I still have a few things I want to discuss with Chang Bai.” The headmaster said.
Jian Chen and Changyang Hu didn’t have any objections, and they immediately turned around to walk out of the headmaster’s office.
Jian Chen and Changyang Hu weren’t kept waiting for long; Chang Bai came out from the headmaster’s office soon after. However, when he looked at the two, his faced changed to one of happiness.
Jian Chen and Changyang Hu followed Chang Bai down the tower, and got onto the flying-type magical beast to leave Kargath Academy. It directly flew up into the air, and began heading towards Lore City.
Jian Chen and Changyang Hu didn’t speak on the magical beast’s back. While the two were being rushed home, the both of them seemed to be extremely heavy-hearted.
Within Jian Chen’s head, he couldn’t help but to think about the motherly affections he had received. Although Jian Chen wasn’t a kid in his mind, he had never dealt with such an experience before and so this motherly affection was a new thing; so Jian Chen had a very low resistance towards this.