第111章 血蒼狼幼蛋上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 寂靜無聲的會場里,驟然響起某人摔倒落地的聲音。 原本緊張不已的氣氛頓時被打破了,不少人皆朝聲 การแปล - 第111章 血蒼狼幼蛋上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 寂靜無聲的會場里,驟然響起某人摔倒落地的聲音。 原本緊張不已的氣氛頓時被打破了,不少人皆朝聲 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第111章 血蒼狼幼蛋上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 寂靜無聲的會場里,驟然

第111章 血蒼狼幼蛋
上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁

















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
111th chapter blood Wolf young eggPrevious page back next page Silent room, suddenly there's someone falls down French voice. Nervous atmosphere suddenly were broken, many people looked past voice, but I didn't see any, but ... ... Less of a person. Soar to a look of calm will help up, patted him on the back, "the little brother, did he hurt? ” You Xiaomo hurriedly got up and with his back to the crowd while shaking his shoulders and grabbed a peak robe covering her face, nose tears estimates to get up, and then also enough, pulling soar sleeves will want to wipe the tears out of the corner, which calm to distort the face ... ... "Little brother, clean enough yet? "Sepulchral tone coming from the head. "No ... ... Well, enough...... "You Xiaomo unconsciously shook his head, suddenly caught sight of a scary face, fingers stiff, devastated by persecution of white cloth on hand to dispose of. Peak Tower picked up his brush and that place full of snot and tears, he smiled a gentle smile, "little brother, do you know how much big brother who value this dress? ” You Xiaomo mechanical shook his head, "I don't know......" "I don't know it doesn't matter, master tells you. "Soar gentle of touch touch he of head, softly said," this pieces clothes is with nine secluded days silkworm of silk refining out of, and spit silk of nine secluded days silkworm is a only 11 order of higher order demon beast, it each across 500 years only will spit once silk, these silk of value is cannot with money to measure of, with so a small mission refining out of clothing methyl, can sword not into, fire not invasion, you said, put you sold has lost not lost have up? ” You Xiaomo trying vainly to peak than gesture, even the fists are not ... ... You Xiaomo suddenly face blood, 11 high beasts, then what is? He knows, but it is most certainly, does afford he sold, maybe can't even make up a fraction of Dora. "I'm sorry, Ling Shi Xiong, I was wrong ... ... You, you, you ... ... Don't let me lose money, OK? "You little Moda cried and hugged the peak Tower's waist, and then blinked hard Chu, just give him a squeeze two drops crocodile tears, subconsciously wanted to get on him when quickly stop. Soar mouth slightly moving, the last sentence is the Chase! Feel surprised eyes upstairs downstairs cast over a road, peak pulled her lips, "little brother, you get up. ” "Do not! "You Xiaomo firmly shook his head, muffled said," as long as you don't make me lose money I got up. ” Peak pumping out of the corner, "... ... Well, I will not let you lose money. ” "Really? "You Xiaomo immediately looked up and asked in a serious, but was hanging out of the corner two crocodile tears, but eyes are not red, like really crying like crocodile tears. "It's true! "Soar to solemnly nodded, just swear. You Xiaomo throat scroll a bit, he really wants him to swear, but ... ... If counterproductive not to cry, so thought, he still held back. 在他們說話的時候,那瓶靈液便被黑袍人以一千九百萬的價格給拍走了,比底價翻了一倍多,當真不愧是天價,很多人就算窮極一輩子也不可能賺到這個數目,不過越來越多的人好奇黑袍人的身份,一下子拿出將近三千萬,背景怕是只高不低。 不過也有人已經對黑袍人起了殺意,那就是逍遙門的木遙。 木遙奉父命拍下靈液,本來是十拿九穩的事情,因為極樂樓和血煞宗會為了最後那件寶貝而放棄與她爭奪靈液,卻不想,最後竟然殺出個程咬金來。 木遙眼神陰冷地看向一樓安靜得似乎完全不在乎別人怎麼看他的黑袍人,心里陰狠的想著,最好不要落到她手里,否則定教你嘗嘗逍遙門陰天爪的厲害。 就在這時,拍賣台上一直笑眯賕的老頭臉色突然嚴肅了起來,轉身走進後面的簾布里,不一會就拿著一個玉盒子出來,玉盒子四四方方,長寬高約四十厘米,隨著他走出來,會場很多道強大氣息霎時爆發了出來。 強大的氣勢多數是來自二樓的貴賓席,一個個皆死死的盯著老頭手上的玉盒子,眼中是毫不掩飾的貪婪之色,就是原本計劃放棄的木遙眼楮也迅速的燃起一陣火熱。 老頭深呼吸一口氣,隨即將玉盒子放到拍賣台上,枯瘦的手指緩慢的將玉盒的蓋子掀開來,兩秒後,玉盒里的東西便展現在眾人面前,所有人皆死死的盯著玉盒子里的東西。























การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 111st chapter blood wolf young eggOn a page to return to the next pageSilent silence, the sound of a sudden fall in the floor of a person falling.Originally tense atmosphere suddenly be broken, a lot of people are in the direction of the sound came to look at the past, but did not see what, just...... Less a person.When a face calm people up, gently pat his back, "little brother, have hurt?"Amusement etc. hurriedly climbed up, back to all the people side trembling shoulders, he picked up the revitalization of the robe covering their face, tears, snot estimation have to rub up, and not enough not enough like, pull off the sleeve of the revitalization of the wanted to wipe off the corner of the eye tears, the latter face Nama calm to the twisted..."Little brother, clean enough?" The gloomy mood came from the top of the head."No...... Uh, that's enough......" Amusement etc. subconsciously shook his head, suddenly caught a glimpse of a terrorist's face, stiff fingers, hands persecuted by the ravages of white cloth sell.Soar to the skies and picked up the piece of the place he rubbed over the nose and the tears, towards him showing a touch of gentle smile, "little brother, you know big brother on the dress costs how much?"Swim etc. mechanical shook his head, "I don't know......""I don't know never mind, big brother told you." Soar to the skies and gentle touch his head and said softly, "this dress is out of nine yous Antheraea Yamamai silk refining, and spit out silk nine yous Antheraea Yamamai is a 11 order higher order yaoshou, it every five hundred years will spit a Cisi. The value of these silk is unable to use money to measure, with such a small group of refining armor, invulnerability, fire and water do not invade, you say, you sell to compensate up?"We look at peak travel etc. than gestures, are not even a fist......Little Merton a face of blood, high order monster eleven order, that is what the concept? He did not know, but you can be sure of is that the he sold really can not afford to lose, perhaps even a fraction of Minato duo."I'm sorry, Ling brother, I was wrong...... You you you...... You don't want me to lose money, okay?" Amusement etc. cry with clinging to the revitalization of the waist, and then energetically blinked his eyes, simply give him extrusion two crocodile tears, subconsciously want to rub to his body, hurriedly come to a halt.The peak mouth slightly move, the last sentence is the key!A feel upstairs throw over the surprised eyes, pulled to the corners of the mouth, "little brother, you first up.""Do not!" You Xiaomo firmly shook his head and said, "if you don't let me lose money, I will get up."When a corner extraction,"...... Well, I won't let you lose money.""Really?" Travel with a small stand that raised his head and asked that a serious, just out of the corner of my eye really hanging two crocodile tears, but the orbit is not red, both like really crying, like a crocodile tears."Really!" The peak solemnly nodded, just swear.Swim etc. throat rolling on, he is really a bit to make him swear, but...... If it causes the opposite effect that he must not cry to die, so think of, he still held back.When they talk, the bottle of ichor was the man in black to 19 million price to take away, than the upset price turned over one times much, really worthy of the price, many people even whole life could not earn the number, but more and more people curious man in black, all of a sudden come up with nearly 30 million background if is only high, not low.But some people have to kill the man in black, it is wooden door free.Wood away unto father life take ichor, originally is the things in the bag, because building and bliss blood evil Zong will to the baby and give up to compete with her ichor, but do not want to, finally even blaze a Cheng Yaojin to.Wood away look bleak look look to the first floor quiet didn't seem to care about others why one of his black robe, heart Haggard's thought, it is best not to fell on her hand, otherwise teach you taste the free and unfettered door cloudy claw fiercely.At this time, the auction platform always smile squint bribed the old man's face suddenly serious again, turned and walked behind the curtain. In a moment, with a jade box out, the jade box of the boxy, length, width and height of about 40 centimeters, as he came out, meeting a lot of powerful breath instantly broke out.Strong momentum of the most from the second floor of the VIP seats, one by one all tightly stare at the jade box of the old man's hands, eyes color of undisguised greed, is originally planned to give up the wood away eyes quickly ignited a fiery.Old man take a deep breath, and then the jade box into the auction platform, skinny fingers slowly the jade box lid lift open, two seconds later, the jade box will show in front of people, all people all tightly staring at jade box of things.Saw that the box lying in bed with a single great immature eggs and immature eggs showed gray dichromatic, the surface of the pan with a faint light, apparently a single life of immature eggs, not only that, people can feel the immature eggs to send out strong vitality."What is that?" Swimming eyes Chu asked curiously etc.."Blood wolf monster egg." The peak also watched the pieces of immature eggs, slowly squinting.Blood wolf? Sounds like a very powerful way, but swim etc. or confused, "brother Ling, blood wolf is several orders of the wicked, bad?"The revitalization of the corners of the mouth on a hint of sneer, sharp eyes slowly, "blood wolf wolf is the most noble descent
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