Survive the battle in タイマウスの丘.
Survive the battle in クリザロ一の町.
Survive the battle in クァトリガ砦 in Ch.2, choose (option 1)"いいだろう" after victory. If refuse him in Ch.2, he will reappear in Ch.4 Golyat as an enemy, reduce his health to critical and answer "いいだろう" to recruit him.
"If Cistina survives, during the ボ一ド砦 scenario choose ""一緒行こう"".
If Cistina dies, choose ""バクラム人が敵なのではない""."
Agree to detour to save Cistina from the pirate. If Cistina survives, during the ボ一ド砦 scenario choose "一緒行こう". If Cistina dies, choose "バクラム人が敵なのではない". If Cistina and Forcas die, answer "敵はバクラム人ではありません".
Survive the battle in 古都ライム in Ch.1. Make sure to choose the second option during the post battle conversation. After rescuing Bayin, agree to rescue her from the pirate in Ch.2. During the ボ一ド砦 scenario choose "一緒行こう".
In C route, survive the battle in タイマウスの丘. In L route, do not kill her in 古都ライム and she will be recruitable after the battle in アルモリカ城.
After the battle in アルモリカ城.
"In Law route, survive the battle in ライム, answer ""こちらこそ歓迎します"".
In Chaos route, survive the battle in バハンナ高原, answer ""こちらこそ歓迎します"".
In Neutral route, before heading to アシュトン, go to クリザロ一 then クァドリガ砦, answer ""こちらこそ歓迎します"". Or settle アシュトン first and go to アルモリカ then ゴリアテ."
After the battle in アルモリカ城.
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In Chaos route, after the battle in ボ一ド砦. In Neutral route, after survive the ボ一ド砦 battle in Ch.3 and the フィダック城 scenario in Ch.4, go to クリザロ一の町. Then check Warren Report for news "クァドリカ砦の海賊". Go to クァドリカ砦, answer "解放軍に力を貸してくれないか?" to avoid battle.
Survive the battle in アシュトン. Agree to help them against Nybeth, "わかった".
Survive the battle in アシュトン with Oelias.
You must have chosen to participate in the Baramus massacre. (Chapter 2. Law) Make sure not to kill her in the following battle. At the start of Chapter 2, read the Warren Report on the Reizen Highway and make sure you go there before heading to Ashton. Make sure to choose the second option "貴女を放ってはおけない" when she asks you a question in the following battle. In Chapter 3 Law, after Brigantes Castle battle, choose the second option to recruit Jeunan. Read Warren Reports for news "コリタニ公失踪". Next, at the Vahanna (Bahanna) Snowfields, trigger 2 dialogue conversations between Jeunan and Denim as time passes before defeating the enemy leader. After seizing Coritani Castle, instead of heading to スウォンジーの森 , return to Vahanna (Bahanna) where you will trigger a battle to save Ravness. Keep Ravness alive, finish the battle and she will join you.
After the scenario in ブリガンテス城
Spare her in the バンハムーバの神殿 battle. After the scenario in フィダック城, go to バルマムッサの町. If no scenario triggered, enter random battle in ゾード湿原, use the item "蛮族の角笛" to change the weather and then retreat and re-enter バルマムッサ.
After the ブリガンテス城 scenario, check Warren Report for news "無法者の町オミシュ" and head to オミシュ to save Azelstan (Diego) from other Pirates (min enemy lvl: 20) before going to ヘドン山. After bringing Mreuva back to フィダック城, check Warren Report for news "海賊の墓場" (Pirates' Graveyard), leave the Report and re-enter for news "伝說の海賊". Go to オミシュ again then クァドリガ砦 to trigger 2 events before completing the バ一ニシア城 battle. After バ一ニシア城 go back to オミシュ and rescue Azelstan again before seizing 王都ハイム. Explore the Pirates' Graveyard dungeon. Azelstan will fight as a guest in the 3rd ward and join if he survives.
"1) During the バンハム一バの神殿 dialogue choice, answer ""…それだけはできません"". In バ一ニシア城 first choose ""たしかに置き去りにしたよ"" then ""僕は姉さんを愛している!""
2) During the バンハム一バの神殿 dialogue choice, answer ""それも仕方ありません"". In バ一ニシア城 first choose ""置き去りにしたわけじゃないよ"" then ""僕は姉さんと離れたくない."""
Check Warren Report for news "エクシター島で謎の大爆發" and head to ラザン砦. Deploy Jeunan in this battle. Jeunan, Occionne and Denim will exchange dialogue during the fight. You will be able to safely complete the battle after Ocionne says "......" Assuming she survives she will join after the battle.
After the バ一ニシア城 battle, check Warren Report for news "沉船", Make him survive the battle in グリムスビ一の町.
Survive the battle in 死者の宮殿 (Hell Gate) B2 and answer "いいでしょう."
After Ludlum joined, check Warren Report for news "ニムラハバの森の盜賊". Head to ニムラハバの森, reduce his health to critical and spare his gryphons.
Recruit Hobyrim in either route. After recruiting Olivya from Brigantes at the start of Chapter 4, make sure to read your Warren Reports. After the battle at Mount Hedon, you should see a scene between Volaq and Ozma at Gruborza Plains. After the バンハム一バの神殿 battle, make sure Hobyrim's loyalty is above 60, go to グリザロ一町 and deploy him. During the dialogue choice answer "私がハボリムだ", only defeat Volaq (min. lvl: 21) and deplete Ozma's HP to critical. After the battle answer "貴女も僕にとっては父の仇だ" and she will join up.
After the ブリガンテス城 scenario, check Warren Report for news "バルマムッサの屍人たち". Go to バルマムッサ and resurrect Oelias before she dies. Go to クァドリガ砦 and defeat Dievold. Make sure your Galgastani Chaos Frame is above 60 then go to the ゴリアテ battle (min enemy lvl: 18). Resurrect Cressida and make sure she is not fallen again. After the fight choose "きみだけを裁くつもりはない" and she will join if Chaos Frame meets.
Read Warren Report news to unlock Hellgate and Deneb's shop in Ch.4. After バスク村 battle, enter Deneb's shop and purchase all 9 kinds of orbs, each kind 5 orbs, totalling 45 orbs all at once, that would cost you 405,000 goth. (Crafting orbs in her shop does not count.) Leave the shop to trigger the dialogue with her and answer "いやいや、何を言ってるんですか", Deneb will join as a Guest and fight in バスク村 battle. Survive the battle and she will join permanently.
Check Warren Report for news "歌姫ユーリアの秘密". Enter the battle in オミシュ and retreat. Go to フランパ大森林 and check revised news in Warren Report. Go to 海賊の墓場. Battle your way through a number of stages within the Pirate's Graveyard and you will encounter a possessed Iuria. Defeat her and she will join you afterward.