In order to maintain, as pauper want oppressive because it may override the property of revolution, poor person millionaire among both classes will have to sell the public freedom. Therefore, there must be a middle way approach. Foundation for social equality Create fair laws.The concept in practice. 1) must create a society where everyone lives. No one seek wealth is just one person and there is limited scope the global property is a matter of property rights Foundation is limited. Not with the current property rights, which nature The State limit for benefits. 2.) before the reform regime Need to reform the mind, people first need to create a public (or State as a global society) in mind before slavery. Must be created, a pair of freedom. The power of money with Rousseau see that wireless is the most effective mechanism to make the political goals. But it is the most robust mechanism. Of course The political process, from target; Money, destroy your mind and think of the feelings of people. Is the weakness of democracy.The political philosophy of power support, Buddy (Absolutism).There are researchers who support full power 3. 1. Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) 2. Jean Bodin (1530-1596) 3. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Note that all 3 supports the idea, and the people alone to rule because.• Home town full of war.• The Christian dominated city. The Government, which focuses on the personality of human beings. Make it a threat to government power viewpoint.• Middle Ages nobleman sakdina power systems more The King rarely have power.
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