1. ครูให้นักเรียนดูภาพในหนังสือเรียน หน้า 4 ข้อ 1 Look at the picture. What can you see? และช่วยกันบอกว่า เห็นอะไรในภาพบ้าง Teacher: What can you see in the picture? Students: A map, flags, etc.
1. the teacher gives students see pics in textbook page 4 Article 1 the picture Look at What you can see.? and say see what in the picture? Teacher: What can you see in the picture? Students: A map, flags, etc.
1. Teachers, students look at pictures in books Page 4 1 Look at the picture. What can you see? And well said What you see in the picture Teacher: What Can You See in the picture? Students: A Map, Flags, etc.
1. Teachers give students look at the picture on page one textbook. 4 1 Look at the picture. What can you see? And to said he saw what in the environment.Teacher: What can you see in the picture?Students:,, A map flags etc.