The promotion of biogas production in farm animals HistoryBiogas service unit research and Development Institute of science and technology, Chiang Mai University. There are plans to promote and publish gas bio-production technology in animal farm, large and medium-sized under the support from the Fund for the promotion of energy conservation, energy Bureau of the National Policy Committee (NEPO) since October there was the goal-2538 (1995)Build biogas systems, total volume 50000 cubic meters within a period of 6 years (project phase 1 and phase 2) in the first year target system construction at 3000 cubic meters. The second year, 7000 cubic meters and then another 10000 cubic meters a year, until 6-year project period.Current biogas service units are focused on providing technology, biogas production in the farm to biogas system and scheduling components to suit the condition of the area within the farm and create appropriate waste water treatment system alongside the production of biogas to be used as a renewable energy within the farm and at the same time, the system will help manage the scrap arising within the farm system official and causing the maximum benefits. When the construction is completed and the system started, each farm must get to perform and manage themselves as soon as possible in order to cause the ability to administer by the personnel of the farm itself sustainable. Guidelines for providers of the service unit relies on the general principle of bio-gas operation of environmental management. In a commercial format so that it is consistent with your business system.Biogas technology is a technology that relies on the principle of biological organic compounds degrade in a way not using air (Anaerobic Digestion) by creating conditions, bacteria that exist in nature, degrade the organic substance contained in the waste water in conditions devoid of oxygen. The result is a mixture of fermented biogas is methane gas, which is combustible (Methane) is the primary element is approximately 70% of the biogas can be used to cook or a piglet as well as more than a hot soup and a complex of industrial dryers as well. Use of biogas utilization focused on producing the most direct heat to increase heat efficiency of utilization systems and if too much is enough, you can apply to get the engine to produce electricity to.Biogas systems in animal farm is a system with several components working together as well, which can be split into steps on the way the system works is a major principle of 3 steps:1) step 1 is to degrade organic compounds in fermented the Rails (Digester Channel) in this procedure. A fermentation tank Rails also serves to separate the waste parts and transparent parts with thick section of waste is fermented in a fermentation tank, this table about 20 – 30 days until it is in a stable state (stabilized) and passed into solid lankrong (Slow Sand Filter Bed: SSBF), where lankrong is connected with Bo hom.My trough and get past the thick part waste fermentation digestion and fermentation from the Rails. Waste from this solid, lankrong can be used as organic fertilizer which is required of crop areas, as well as for planting grass on golf courses. For transparent parts which have waste volume 80 – 90% of all waste will flow through to the spring fermentation the UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor) to therapy in the next 2 steps.2) step 2 treatment and digestion occurs in the fermentation of UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor) most of the organic compounds in the waste water, which is in the form of an aqueous solution is fermented in UASB digestion and biogas has become in the end. The ratio of the volume of the pond is a pond in the fermentation of a fermentation unit volume Rails UASB is approximately 2-3: 1, depending on the characteristic properties of the waste water from the treatment system into a farm. The water from the pond through a UASB treatment of fermentation and then the COD for about 800-1000 mg/l. Which is in the process of therapy, oxygen wireless? Will be able to reduce dirt contamination of the organic compounds in waste water. approximately 95 per cent of the value of start is dirty.3) ขั้นตอนที่ 3 โดยในขั้นตอนนี้กล่าวได้ว่าเป็นขั้นตอนของการบำบัดขั้นหลัง (Post Treatment) ซึ่งเป็นการบำบัดที่ออกแบบระบบให้มีการทำงานที่เลียนแบบธรรมชาติ โดยอาศัยการทำงานของพืช สาหร่าย สัตว์น้ำ เล็กๆ และแบคทีเรีย ซึ่งเกิดตามธรรมชาติ ทำงานสัมพันธ์กันเพื่อบำบัดน้ำ ที่ได้ผ่านการบำบัดแบบไร้ออกซิเจน มาแล้วในขั้นต้นให้สะอาดมากยิ่งขึ้น จนถึงขั้นที่สามารถหมุนเวียน นำกลับมาใช้ทำความสะอาดคอก และ/หรือ ปล่อยออกสู่ภายนอกได้ในที่สุด การบำบัดขั้นหลัง จะประกอบไปด้วยสระพักแบบเปิด ที่รับน้ำเสียจากการบำบัดขั้นตอนที่ 2 แล้วปล่อยเข้าสู่ชุดบึงพืชน้ำ ซึ่งปลูกพืชบางชนิด ไว้ให้ช่วยในการบำบัดน้ำเสีย ทั้งโดยทางตรงและทางอ้อม ซึ่งจะทำงานสัมพันธ์กันกับกลุ่มของแบคทีเรีย และในส่วนสุดท้าย ของชุดบึงพืชน้ำ จะเป็นสระเลี้ยงปลา เพื่อใช้ประกอบในการสังเกตคุณภาพน้ำที่ได้ต่อสิ่งมีชีวิต น้ำที่ผ่านการบำบัดแล้วนี้จะมีค่า COD สุดท้ายที่คาดไว้ไม่เกิน 200-400 มิลลิกรัม/ลิตร และมีค่า BOD น้อยกว่า 60 มิลลิกรัม/ลิตร ซึ่งอยู่ในเกณฑ์มาตรฐานที่กรมควบคุมมลพิษยอมรับได้Waste water treatment through three stages. Can be recycled within the farm animals, such as used for brood animals, cleaned and/or natural water sources can be released into the? In the external environment safely. Support from the Fund for the promotion of energy conservation.Project phase 1 (2538 (1995)-2541 (1998) total time 3 years).Support the project management and technical services total 11.2 million.Support the construction of biogas systems, farmers joined the project. The number of 11.3 million.Project phase 2 (2541 (1998)-2545 (2002) 4 years 6 months time)Support the project management of technological and service 56.3 million.Support the construction of biogas systems, farmers joined the project. A number of 45 million.The result of the operation, according to the project.As a result of the operation, according to the project. Economy of the country. Expected
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