Fatal accident had occurred at the warehouse of NIPPON EXPRESS INDIA (NEIN). Fatality (who engaged in electric & wiring maintenance at higher-place ) had descended from higher-place. It had happened at area of NEIN, driving forklift of NEIN.
Considering it, it is possible to be regarded that this incident was caused from NEIN negligenc and to be punished legally, though he is worker of subcontracted company.
Root cause were un-safety behavior and unconcern of un-safety circumstance.
All of regional company must
*make all employee well known this fatal accident.
*inspect whether there is un-safety behavior, unconcern of un-safety circumstance at work place or not.
1.Summary of accident, Problem of working circumstance
On 21st February 2015 at NEIN Neemrana warehouse, Staff of HM Engineering who engaged in electric
& wiring maintenance had descended from working place where 6 meter high from ground, when he was re-placing ceiling light. When he had descended, his head had hit on ground hardly. He had confirmed died at Hospital.
Fataly had engaged on the pallet which was lifted up by forklift.
Besides, There was unconcern about safety as he engaged without helmets and safety belt.
Cause of this fatal accident is not only from problem of working circumstance as above but also from lack of Crisis Management Consciousness like what though somebody notice of un-safety behavior and un-safety circumstance, nobody point out nor stop. Considering this fatal accident, we would like staff to improve of Crisis Management Consciousness and perform safety inspection.
A. After making all employee well known this fatal accident, for the purpose of improvement for Crisis Management Consciousness, got signature of all employee on attached “note of confirmation”
B. After inspection , discuss whether there is un-safety circumstance at working place or not. Submit “Report of checking result”
C. Due Date
A. Take action immediately. Custody at each company (not required to submit)
B. 16h March 2015 .(Required to submit)
Attached A.Preliminary report for accident and disaster
B.Note of confirmation
C.Report of inspection result