Just In
Possession by Natoya
Anime » Yu-Gi-Oh Rated: M, English, Romance & Drama, Words: 5k+, Favs: 79, Follows: 11, Published: Mar 29, 2011 19
Author Note: Okay, last one for today. Here is Possession again. :) Enjoy!
Disclaimer: No way do I own any of these lovely bishies or their show.
It was late afternoon and quite busy in the Kame Game Shop, located in friendly Domino City, Japan. Yugi found his hands full with kids and young adults alike, all of whom were interested in the newest Duel Monsters card packs and their latest board games. Kids were shouting in the back, pushing and shoving at each other impatiently in their haste. The noise level grew exceedingly loud, and Yugi couldn't keep the peace for anything. The little hikari seemed overwhelmed, a worried look entering his beautiful amethyst eyes.
"Please, no shoving! There's enough for everyone!" Yugi cried in vain as one of the smaller children was shoved to the floor. The little girl began to cry, and Yugi hurried around the counter, intent on comforting her.
"ENOUGH!" Yugi froze and turned, his dark's lovely baritone voice echoing over the shop and instantly freezing each child in their tracks. The children parted as Yami sauntered past them to the little girl, lifting her effortlessly into his arms. She sniffled and clung to him as he walked her to the counter where Yugi had returned as soon as he saw his darkness had everything under control. Yami took the packs of cards the little girl had clutched in her hands and set them on the counter, giving her a soft look as he did so.
"There," he said, setting her down. She smiled up at him and handed Yugi her money, skipping from the shop with her cards as soon as she had paid, waving and saying a quick thank you to Yami, before vanishing out the door. Yami's gaze swept over the rest of the children. They cringed as his eyes burned with anger.
"You all should be ashamed of yourselves. I expect better behavior from a bunch of potential duelists," Yami scolded. The kids lowered their heads collectively, feeling guilty. They were embarrassed that one of their idols had to yell at them like that. Yugi smiled gratefully at Yami, loving how he had taken control and quelled the overly-hyper children. Yami raised an eyebrow as he watched the rest of the children gather into a straight line. One child approached the counter and handed Yugi his money. The amethyst-eyed boy give him a sweet smile.
"I'm sorry, Yugi." The little boy said. Yugi gently patted his head and gave him his change. Yami watched each child apologize as they handed Yugi their money and paid for their cards. A smile made its way onto his face. He was very proud of them now, and by the time the last child stepped up to the counter, it was late. When the shop was empty, Yugi sagged against the counter and placed his head in his arms, sighing heavily. Yami walked over to him, stepping behind him and beginning to knead his shoulders. Yugi moaned and leaned back just a tiny bit. Yami smiled and massaged them just a little harder, they way he knew Yugi liked.
"Thank you," Yugi said, glancing behind him into his dark's ruby-red eyes. "It's so hard to quell them on days like this, when there's no school and they're so full of energy." Yami chuckled.
"You're quite welcome, Aibou." Yami said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Yugi's lips as he let the smaller male go.
"How about you go upstairs and heat up the dinners Grandpa left us? I'm going to close up and head up in a minute." Yugi suggested.
"Sure, Aibou. Three minutes each." Yami said with a chuckle.
"Right." Yugi giggled, remembering Yami's first time using the microwave. He leaned up and gave his darkness another kiss before the tanned man turned and headed back upstairs. Yugi walked around the counter and headed for the door. A warm, fuzzy feeling was swimming through his head, just like it did every time he was held or kissed by his darkness. He was so happy that Yami had decided to stay, giving up the Afterlife, and all its glory, just to be with him.
Yugi finally locked the door and reached over to grab the sign. He had just switched it to closed when a dark shadow fell over him. Yugi jumped and looked up, seeing a man standing outside the door, a small package in his hands. Yugi took a deep breath, not believing he'd just been frightened by the mail man. He unlocked the door and pulled it open, giving the man a bright smile.
"Hi! Welcome to the Kame Game Shop! Can I help you?" Yugi asked cheerfully. The man looked at him, an expressionless look on his face.
"Delivery for Yugi Mouto." He said. Yugi blinked, the blank look on the man's face sending a shiver down his spine.
"Um... I'm Yugi Mouto," Yugi replied. The man said nothing, just handed over the package for him to take. Yugi took it and looked down at it. His name was on the package, but there was no return address or anything. And it was so tiny, just the size of a small box. The man turned and walked away then, leaving Yugi to continue to stare at the box in his hands. Yugi shut the shop door and locked it again, flipping the sign to closed. He turned and headed back to the counter, where he set the box down and began to open it, wondering what it could possibly be and who it could be from.
Soon enough a small black box was revealed to the small hikari's eyes. Tilting his head curiously to the side, Yugi took the lid off the box. Instantly he was bathed in a cold green light. He let out a gasp and dropped the box lid. No... No, it couldn't be! The Seal of Oricalcous card!
Beside the card lay a small necklace with a very familiar green stone set in a lovely silver pendant. Yugi let out a cry as a flash of green light nearly blinded him. Everything went black.
Yami frowned. Stupid microwave. Why didn't it ever want to cooperate with him? He'd put the meals on for three minutes, just like Yugi had told him time and time again, but they still wouldn't warm up. Was the microwave broken? Yami tried pressing the start button again, but nothing happened. He sighed and scratched his head, wondering what had happened. A thought suddenly occurred to him and he peered behind the microwave. A sheepish blush covered his face when he saw the plug wasn't in the socket. Yami sighed and plugged it in, then hit the start button.
"Yes!" The former Pharaoh cheered when the microwave began to heat the frozen dinner. He then headed into the living room, leaving the dinner to cook. Yami blinked when he saw that Yugi wasn't up there yet. It didn't take that long to close the shop... Yami walked to the apartment door and headed down, wondering what was taking his lover so long. He reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around.
"Yugi?" Yami called. He was surprised to see that his hikari wasn't in the shop. That was weird... Where could he have gone? Feeling a little anxious and worried about his light, Yami walked around the shop, checking behind the aisles and in the back room. No Yugi. The bad feeling swirling in Yami's gut intensified. Where on Earth had Yugi gone? The shop door was still locked, so it wasn't possible that Yugi had left, since the shop door could only be locked from the inside.
"Yugi? Are you hiding from me? Love, this isn't funny anymore," Yami called. "Please come out." Yami hated not being able to locate Yugi. He couldn't use their mind link; all of his powers had been stripped from him when he agreed to become mortal and remain with Yugi. The lights suddenly flickered, and Yami looked up, confused. That was strange... There wasn't a storm outside.
A flash of green light coming from behind Yami made the former spirit whirl around, his ruby orbs scanning the room for whatever made that odd light. He saw nothing at first, but as his gaze swept the floor, something lying on it caught his eye. He knelt down and reached for it. It looked like a Duel Monster card. Yami picked it up and turned it over. A startled gasp left his lips and he threw the card to the floor as if it had burnt him, his ruby eyes now wide with shock. How on Earth had that card gotten here? The Seal of Oricalcous stared up at him, it's green circle practically glowing. Yami began to tremble as memories he didn't care to remember ran through his mind.
"Yugi!" Yami called again, backing away from the card and turning around to face the counter. "Yugi, Aibou, where are you?" He called again, running back up the stairs to the apartment. Maybe he had been wrong and Yugi was up here. The lights flickered again and this time they actually went out. Yami froze, not liking this one little bit. No lights, a missing hikari, and a Seal of Oricalcous card lying on the floor downstairs... Yami began to breathe heavily, almost panicking. His ruby eyes searched the room in the dark, but he saw nothing. He began moving forward again, hands out in front of him to help him feel his way through the living room.
Yami eventually found his way to the back stairs, walking up them slowly. He knew they kept a flashlight in their room, so he wanted to find it. He reached the top of the stairs and felt his way down the wall to his and Yugi's room. He turned the knob and opened the door, walking inside. Moonlight streamed in through the window above Yugi's desk, giving Yami enough light to search the room for the flashlight. Yami opened a desk drawer, frowning when he didn't see the item he was looking for.
He opened a drawer lower than the one he had just opened, pleased to see the flashlight resting in this one. He picked it up and walked across the room to the door, flicking the flashlight on as he walked into the hallway. He decided to go towards Grandpa's room, since he hadn't checked it yet. He opened the door to the old man's room and shined the flashlight around the space. Nothing. Yami's anxiousness and worry escalated. Where the bloody hell was his light? Yami closed the door and