The planned “Wissensquartier” (knowledge quarters) will be a part of the growing Elbtor District. Special characteristics of the competitions site are both its location in the urban context as well as the fact that the decision was made to focus on “education” in such an attractive location with the HCU (HafenCity University) and the KLU (Kühne Logistics University). Instead of isolating it, education is positioned in a close relationship with working and housing.
The primary aspect of the design task is to give the three completely different building functions a common feature regarding their aesthetic. Even though the square connects them anyhow, each building should presents its content in a dialogue and fulfi l the idea of an ensemble as an independent building. Therefore we started considering the concept of a common facade material at an early design stage and decided in favour of light glazed terracotta elements, which allow a wide variety of panels and dimensions. Contrary to the urban planning specifi cation, we have staggered the triad of three new buildings. The idea to give the residential building its own position regarding its location and instead of positioning it along Magdeburger Hafen, was from our point of view the correct response to the special location. Particularly from the viewpoint on the western promenade at Magdeburger Hafen, the offi ce tower is not perceived as an isolated unit, but together with the residential building it emphasises the concept of an independent small, light
quarter at Baakenhafen.