In an instant, he observed the chamber, the door was closed so no one had entered. As Zhao Hai understood this fact he let out a sigh of relief and addressed BlockHead and RockHead: “Let’s go, we will walk out of the castle to look around. I want to see the soil of the BlackLands and also the moat, since we will soon set up a fishery there.” He said while moving with the duo outside.
In the past, BlockHead and Rockhead would stop him because Green was against Zhao Hai leaving out of the castle gates. But now they just followed him silently.
The three men came out on the castle yard, Zhao Hai inserted supplies, which were not put into the castle’s storehouses, in a barn of the space farm. At the same time, he was thinking about space and he found that supplies had been allocated and classified, also he knew the amount of things. Zhao Hai was very pleased.
Zhao Hai also found out, that he is able to control his farm without entering it. At the time, when he wants to see anything in that space, a projection will appear in front of him. Moreover, it looks like BlockHead, RockHead or anyone else can’t see the projection, it is much more convenient that way.
The trio slowly left the castle through the opened gates. Meirin and Meg are carefully watching the slaves, who are doing required arrangements in the previously deserted mine.
In truth, even if they don’t watch, the slaves will not be lazy. Zhao Hai gave them a goal, whilst they try their best, sooner or later they will not be slaves anymore. For the slaves such a purpose is the best motivation.
Meirin and Meg also noticed, that today the slaves are especially energetic. They work in such a manner that tasks, which required them to spend 1 hour previously, can now can be finished in just half an hour.
Zhao Hai will not go there, although he can trust only a few people now, Meirin is there with them. And the slaves absolutely believe in his vow, because of that he doesn’t have a reason to go there. At present he wants to see the BlackLand to understand, is it possible to use the space farm to improve the condition of its soil or not.
However, firstly he decided to take a stroll by the moat. The moat is not too wide, but it is possible to see that the moat was constructed well. You can even see that its bottom was piled with stone foundation. Therefore, no one has lived here for years, but the water is still clear.
Zhao Hai inspected the bottom of the moat. It seems like it had been constructed with the usage of two sources of water, so that the moat could repair itself. The first one is spring water, the other one is an underground river, which flows from the mountains.