เเปลภาษาด้วย google FanFiction
Just In
The Line by livezinshadowz
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Friendship & Romance, [Naruto U., Ino Y.], Words: 46k+, Favs: 564, Follows: 218, Published: Sep 8, 2012 Updated: Sep 28, 2013 154Chapter 1: Forming the Line
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
"Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends."
- Shirley MacLaine
Yamanaka Ino stares across the playground, searching for a target. The date is October 7th, a mere two weeks after her tenth birthday, and she has finally managed to convince her (somewhat overbearing) father to let her go to the park unattended. Under the pretense of wanting to play with her peers in an environment where her dad isn't watching her every move, all Ino really wants is to practice the technique she has been learning.
Her father, Yamanaka Inoichi, has been teaching her the most basic of the Yamanaka clan's techniques:Shintenshin no Jutsu, the Mind Body Switch Technique. He has lectured Ino that it is the most fundamental skill their family possesses, the backbone to understanding and learning all of the other Yamanaka clan techniques. And Ino is determined to master it.
The theory behind the Shintenshin seems simple enough. By releasing their hold on their own consciousness, the Yamanakas are capable of overshadowing another person's mind. Inoichi has made sure that Ino knows the risks associated with using the Mind Body Switch unsupported in battle before instructing her in its use. Even then, he has made her promise to not use the technique unsupervised yet.
But Ino has something to prove. If she is able to establish herself as a worthwhile kunoichi-to-be by showing her mastery of her clan's technique, she will be a step ahead of the other girls in her year in the race for Uchiha Sasuke's affections. She already has the looks: shoulder-length, platinum blonde hair; pupil-less baby blue eyes; and clothes that reflect her extensive knowledge of current fashion trends.
She takes sudden notice of a boy walking somewhat dejectedly towards the swing set. The spiky blond hair and orange shirt let Ino know that the figure is none other than Uzumaki Naruto, the Academy's class clown and general outcast of Konoha. Bingo, she thinks.
Naruto is a bit of an enigma. To his peers, he is a third-rate ninja notorious for pulling pranks and not paying attention in class. Ino is honestly a bit surprised that he hasn't yet dropped out of the Academy, but his determination to succeed is strong. She can appreciate his tenacity and fight-hard spirit, even if there's little progress to show for his efforts. To the adults, he is a subject spoken of in harsh whispers and pointed glares, often while he sits alone on a swing outside the Academy.
His pariah status piques Ino's curiosity. Two of the specialties associated with mental manipulations are espionage and interrogation. What she could learn about Naruto – why he trains to be a ninja despite his poor academic standing, why he is an orphan, why everyone seems to avoid him like a plague – firms her decision.
She sneaks quietly through the playground, hiding behind a tree not far from the melancholy blond. From her position, she sees his blue eyes partially lidded with sorrow, and her heart briefly goes out to him. Steeling her resolve, she stretches out her arms, holding her hands out in a rough circle so that the thumbs on each hand touch at the bottom, as do the index and middle fingers at the top. "Shintenshin no Jutsu," she whispers, right before her body slumps to the ground.
Ino comes to a moment later, opening crystal blue eyes to spy tanned hands clutching the chains of a swing. She admires them momentarily, marveling at how much stronger (if dirtier) they are than her own, delicate appendages. The blonde takes notice of the tacky, worn clothes she wears, and she sweeps a hand through the messy blond spikes Naruto possesses. I did it! "Yes!" she cheers. She ignores the mixture of stares and glares shot in her direction, too excited in her success to pay them any heed.
A loud groan catches her attention, and her head swivels towards where she guesses the source of the sound has originated. Behind a large tree, a foot twitches, an arm stretches, and a body appears to clamber clumsily to its feet. There is a sudden growing knot of dread within Ino's stomach as she watches the scene play out, frozen in the swing.
She stares as her own body steps out from the shadow of the tree, and meets the wide-eyed gaze of her own baby blue orbs. Her body's mouth opens and releases a high-pitched scream. Ino's stomach plummets at the shrill sound. Uh-oh.
Naruto isn't entirely sure what has happened. He went to the playground because it was a particularly rough day (the week leading up to the festival celebrating the Yondaime Hokage's vanquishing of the Kyūbi – coincidentally, the same day as his birthday – often sees an increase in the hatred the villagers show him), and he needed to escape from everyone. He remembers rocking rhythmically back and forth on the swing, allowing the repetition of the motion to ease his loneliness, right before blacking out and awakening slumped against a tree.
The blond pariah raises his arms in a stretch and almost instantly notices how different they look compared to what he remembers. The skin is smooth and delicate, the color tone much whiter than he recalls. He doesn't recognize the clothes either: peach-colored shirt with purple trim and the image of a flower in the middle, and green Capri pants. Naruto climbs wobbly to his feet, moving out from behind the shelter of the tree with the intent to find some answers.
He looks up, his vision latching onto the body dressed in a dark blue t-shirt under a sleeveless orange hoodie, pale green shorts, with a black sweatband on each wrist – the same outfit he dressed himself in earlier. Blond hair, crystal blue eyes, whisker marks…he finds himself staring at his own body. Confused and mildly scared, Naruto does the only thing he can think of.
Even the voice is different, he notices absently through the sound of his own screaming.
Ino decides that perhaps mental espionage will have to wait for another time. She focuses on releasing the technique by closing her eyes and trying to cut off her consciousness from Naruto's body as she has been taught. The blonde opens her eyes, expecting to see Naruto, but instead sees only her own body standing in the same spot, mouth open in silent shock, though no longer screaming. She frowns, closes her eyes, and attempts to cancel the Shintenshin again.
Blue eyes reopen. No change.
Not good. The Mind Body Switch Technique is merely supposed to override another person's awareness, not actually switch them, as she suspects has happened. She isn't entirely sure where she has gone wrong in the application of the technique, but it appears as if Naruto's mind has been placed within the vacancy her body provided upon taking over his body.
Mentally, Ino berates herself for her zeal. The traditional method of ending the jutsu is not working, and the blonde knows too little of the Yamanaka clan techniques – or their mishaps – to go about fixing her blunder. She isn't sure of the repercussions of being away from one's body for extended periods of time, nor how long the Shintenshin will last after screwing it up, so she sighs. Now she has to talk to Naruto, to explain everything…
…Except her fellow blond is nowhere to be found.
Ino curses. Little good can come from having Uzumaki Naruto walking around Konoha in her body. She briefly considers going to her father and explaining the circumstances, but then rejects the idea. Inoichi will undoubtedly severely reprimand her for going against his instruction in the first place, and follow that up with some form of punishment Ino would rather not suffer through. Not to mention she will lose all trust her father has in her and thus be subject to his constant surveillance, something she is working on breaking away from.
She will just have to survive until the Mind Body Switch wears off. With any luck, it'll only be a number of hours, tops.
The idea that Naruto doesn't have the slightest idea of how to act like her to avoid rousing suspicion barely even crosses her mind.
Unbeknownst to Ino, Naruto is quickly guided into his new persona. After leaving the playground – and his body – behind, he wanders through town in a state of half-panic, half-wonder. On the one hand, he is clearly in someone else's body (a girl's, if the clothes and voice are any indication); on the other hand, the villagers don't jeer at him.
Lost in this strange dilemma, Naruto hardly notices when a head pokes out from a nearby store and asks, "Ino?" He freezes as the rest of the person becomes visible, the man stepping out from the shop and placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Are you okay, sweetie?"
Naruto mentally snaps out of his petrified state. The name Ino chimes familiar bells in his head of a girl in his class constantly arguing with Haruno Sakura over Uchiha Sasuke. Looking up at the man, he is even able to place him as a parent from the Academy: blue eyes, sandy blond hair held in a long ponytail in the back, and stern features that lighten around his daughter. "Uh, yeah, fine," he blurts. Internally, he winces at how awkward he sounds.
Inoichi doesn't seem to notice (perhaps he's just very attached to his daughter), and instead smiles at the assurance, steering Naruto into the shop he has appeared from. "Why don't you help me hold down the fort here?" he suggests. Naruto nods, not entirely willing to trust his voice again. He glances around the store, his jaw almost dropping in amazement at the sheer quantity of flowers present in such a small area.
Naruto decides to remain uncharacteristically silent during his time in Yamanaka Flowers, scared of saying something inconsistent with Ino's per
เเปลภาษาด้วย google FanFiction
Just In
The Line by livezinshadowz
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Friendship & Romance, [Naruto U., Ino Y.], Words: 46k+, Favs: 564, Follows: 218, Published: Sep 8, 2012 Updated: Sep 28, 2013 154Chapter 1: Forming the Line
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
"Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends."
- Shirley MacLaine
Yamanaka Ino stares across the playground, searching for a target. The date is October 7th, a mere two weeks after her tenth birthday, and she has finally managed to convince her (somewhat overbearing) father to let her go to the park unattended. Under the pretense of wanting to play with her peers in an environment where her dad isn't watching her every move, all Ino really wants is to practice the technique she has been learning.
Her father, Yamanaka Inoichi, has been teaching her the most basic of the Yamanaka clan's techniques:Shintenshin no Jutsu, the Mind Body Switch Technique. He has lectured Ino that it is the most fundamental skill their family possesses, the backbone to understanding and learning all of the other Yamanaka clan techniques. And Ino is determined to master it.
The theory behind the Shintenshin seems simple enough. By releasing their hold on their own consciousness, the Yamanakas are capable of overshadowing another person's mind. Inoichi has made sure that Ino knows the risks associated with using the Mind Body Switch unsupported in battle before instructing her in its use. Even then, he has made her promise to not use the technique unsupervised yet.
But Ino has something to prove. If she is able to establish herself as a worthwhile kunoichi-to-be by showing her mastery of her clan's technique, she will be a step ahead of the other girls in her year in the race for Uchiha Sasuke's affections. She already has the looks: shoulder-length, platinum blonde hair; pupil-less baby blue eyes; and clothes that reflect her extensive knowledge of current fashion trends.
She takes sudden notice of a boy walking somewhat dejectedly towards the swing set. The spiky blond hair and orange shirt let Ino know that the figure is none other than Uzumaki Naruto, the Academy's class clown and general outcast of Konoha. Bingo, she thinks.
Naruto is a bit of an enigma. To his peers, he is a third-rate ninja notorious for pulling pranks and not paying attention in class. Ino is honestly a bit surprised that he hasn't yet dropped out of the Academy, but his determination to succeed is strong. She can appreciate his tenacity and fight-hard spirit, even if there's little progress to show for his efforts. To the adults, he is a subject spoken of in harsh whispers and pointed glares, often while he sits alone on a swing outside the Academy.
His pariah status piques Ino's curiosity. Two of the specialties associated with mental manipulations are espionage and interrogation. What she could learn about Naruto – why he trains to be a ninja despite his poor academic standing, why he is an orphan, why everyone seems to avoid him like a plague – firms her decision.
She sneaks quietly through the playground, hiding behind a tree not far from the melancholy blond. From her position, she sees his blue eyes partially lidded with sorrow, and her heart briefly goes out to him. Steeling her resolve, she stretches out her arms, holding her hands out in a rough circle so that the thumbs on each hand touch at the bottom, as do the index and middle fingers at the top. "Shintenshin no Jutsu," she whispers, right before her body slumps to the ground.
Ino comes to a moment later, opening crystal blue eyes to spy tanned hands clutching the chains of a swing. She admires them momentarily, marveling at how much stronger (if dirtier) they are than her own, delicate appendages. The blonde takes notice of the tacky, worn clothes she wears, and she sweeps a hand through the messy blond spikes Naruto possesses. I did it! "Yes!" she cheers. She ignores the mixture of stares and glares shot in her direction, too excited in her success to pay them any heed.
A loud groan catches her attention, and her head swivels towards where she guesses the source of the sound has originated. Behind a large tree, a foot twitches, an arm stretches, and a body appears to clamber clumsily to its feet. There is a sudden growing knot of dread within Ino's stomach as she watches the scene play out, frozen in the swing.
She stares as her own body steps out from the shadow of the tree, and meets the wide-eyed gaze of her own baby blue orbs. Her body's mouth opens and releases a high-pitched scream. Ino's stomach plummets at the shrill sound. Uh-oh.
Naruto isn't entirely sure what has happened. He went to the playground because it was a particularly rough day (the week leading up to the festival celebrating the Yondaime Hokage's vanquishing of the Kyūbi – coincidentally, the same day as his birthday – often sees an increase in the hatred the villagers show him), and he needed to escape from everyone. He remembers rocking rhythmically back and forth on the swing, allowing the repetition of the motion to ease his loneliness, right before blacking out and awakening slumped against a tree.
The blond pariah raises his arms in a stretch and almost instantly notices how different they look compared to what he remembers. The skin is smooth and delicate, the color tone much whiter than he recalls. He doesn't recognize the clothes either: peach-colored shirt with purple trim and the image of a flower in the middle, and green Capri pants. Naruto climbs wobbly to his feet, moving out from behind the shelter of the tree with the intent to find some answers.
He looks up, his vision latching onto the body dressed in a dark blue t-shirt under a sleeveless orange hoodie, pale green shorts, with a black sweatband on each wrist – the same outfit he dressed himself in earlier. Blond hair, crystal blue eyes, whisker marks…he finds himself staring at his own body. Confused and mildly scared, Naruto does the only thing he can think of.
Even the voice is different, he notices absently through the sound of his own screaming.
Ino decides that perhaps mental espionage will have to wait for another time. She focuses on releasing the technique by closing her eyes and trying to cut off her consciousness from Naruto's body as she has been taught. The blonde opens her eyes, expecting to see Naruto, but instead sees only her own body standing in the same spot, mouth open in silent shock, though no longer screaming. She frowns, closes her eyes, and attempts to cancel the Shintenshin again.
Blue eyes reopen. No change.
Not good. The Mind Body Switch Technique is merely supposed to override another person's awareness, not actually switch them, as she suspects has happened. She isn't entirely sure where she has gone wrong in the application of the technique, but it appears as if Naruto's mind has been placed within the vacancy her body provided upon taking over his body.
Mentally, Ino berates herself for her zeal. The traditional method of ending the jutsu is not working, and the blonde knows too little of the Yamanaka clan techniques – or their mishaps – to go about fixing her blunder. She isn't sure of the repercussions of being away from one's body for extended periods of time, nor how long the Shintenshin will last after screwing it up, so she sighs. Now she has to talk to Naruto, to explain everything…
…Except her fellow blond is nowhere to be found.
Ino curses. Little good can come from having Uzumaki Naruto walking around Konoha in her body. She briefly considers going to her father and explaining the circumstances, but then rejects the idea. Inoichi will undoubtedly severely reprimand her for going against his instruction in the first place, and follow that up with some form of punishment Ino would rather not suffer through. Not to mention she will lose all trust her father has in her and thus be subject to his constant surveillance, something she is working on breaking away from.
She will just have to survive until the Mind Body Switch wears off. With any luck, it'll only be a number of hours, tops.
The idea that Naruto doesn't have the slightest idea of how to act like her to avoid rousing suspicion barely even crosses her mind.
Unbeknownst to Ino, Naruto is quickly guided into his new persona. After leaving the playground – and his body – behind, he wanders through town in a state of half-panic, half-wonder. On the one hand, he is clearly in someone else's body (a girl's, if the clothes and voice are any indication); on the other hand, the villagers don't jeer at him.
Lost in this strange dilemma, Naruto hardly notices when a head pokes out from a nearby store and asks, "Ino?" He freezes as the rest of the person becomes visible, the man stepping out from the shop and placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Are you okay, sweetie?"
Naruto mentally snaps out of his petrified state. The name Ino chimes familiar bells in his head of a girl in his class constantly arguing with Haruno Sakura over Uchiha Sasuke. Looking up at the man, he is even able to place him as a parent from the Academy: blue eyes, sandy blond hair held in a long ponytail in the back, and stern features that lighten around his daughter. "Uh, yeah, fine," he blurts. Internally, he winces at how awkward he sounds.
Inoichi doesn't seem to notice (perhaps he's just very attached to his daughter), and instead smiles at the assurance, steering Naruto into the shop he has appeared from. "Why don't you help me hold down the fort here?" he suggests. Naruto nods, not entirely willing to trust his voice again. He glances around the store, his jaw almost dropping in amazement at the sheer quantity of flowers present in such a small area.
Naruto decides to remain uncharacteristically silent during his time in Yamanaka Flowers, scared of saying something inconsistent with Ino's per
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