What happened here-? Oh my God! Mettaton!" You turned your head, standing up to see Dr. Alphys rush in. "Move over, human," she pushed past you and knelt down to examine her creation.
"Ah..it's just the batteries. Tch...useless," she grunted. "He would've had more left if he didn't start crying like a-OW!" You flicked her in the back of the head, your blood boiling.
The dinosaur-like scientist rubbed her head, turning her head sharply. "You...you idiot. I'll give you credit for saving my greatest creation from blowing up," she sneered. "But don't think that kindness is always going to win over strength! You may have turned my human-eradicating robot into a softie..but don't think you can do the same to Sans..or even Asgore!"
You raised an eyebrow, picking up your knife. "Oh really, Alphys? Watch me." Filled with determination, you pushed past Alphys and continued along the passage.
Oh how wrong were you going to prove her...