The Red thugs are contaminating the dominance of the urban elite. They การแปล - The Red thugs are contaminating the dominance of the urban elite. They อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

The Red thugs are contaminating the

The Red thugs are contaminating the dominance of the urban elite. They are invading the city!

The incident unreported: the red germs

In October 2008, after the PAD’s clash with the police, a group of medical doctors led by some at Chula Hospital threatened that they would not admit or treat the police any more as the police were Thaksin’s instrument to quell the PAD. Despite strong reactions from the public, there was no criticism or reprimand by any medical authorities. There was no report if the threat was ever carried out, but there were a few reports of medical personnel elsewhere refusing to give service to Red supporters. The incident made doctors at the Chula Hospital notorious as strongly “yellowish”. This reputation is reinforced by the fact that one of the most active supporters of the PAD, who in recent months is also the top leader of the “pink” and the pro-government gatherings against the Reds, is a medical doctor from Chula Hospital. Regardless of other doctors at the same hospital and the administration, the Chula Hospital is placed on the frontline of conflict, literally, spatially, politically, and figuratively.

The accounts of the incident at the Chula Hospital in the media and their reactions, and the ones in Facebook community of the Yuppies and snobs read like a horror film or an alien invasion. This is not a coincidence. The UDD mistake is inexcusable. But how their actions have been taken by the media, those Facebook people, and by the consumers of those media, is informed by the deeper spatial, hierarchical differentiation that underlies the current conflict in the larger context.

The media, academic, civic groups, and the Facebook community condemned the Red invasion strongly in chorus. Their condemnations are much louder and incomparable to their mild criticism, if not silence, to the government uses of force and live ammunition that resulted in twenty-five deaths on April 10. The invaded body of the clean moral politics represented by the hospital seems to have higher value than the deaths of the Reds. This reinforces the earlier message that the deaths of army officers who commanded the violent crackdown on April 10 were of higher value than the Red victims of the same crackdown. The alleged “double standard” by the urban elite and media is strikingly consistent. It is in fact a single set of standards that laws, reasons, rights, rewards and punishments, and other value judgments should be applied to people according to their different hierarchy. The consistent “double standard,” cannot be explained otherwise except as a form of segregation.

The Red demonstration at Ratchaprasong is not only an occupation of the most lurid and lavish sector of Bangkok. It is the seizure of the angelic city – Krung thep – by the unclean, the dirty, the coarse bannok – the germs. “The Reds are invading” may be much more frightening than the words convey. The Chula Hospital is on the frontline against the germs and disease. It was invaded by the disease.

The looming crackdown might be seen as, and said to be, a sanitizing act, to stop the infection caused by the invasion of the bannok into the political body in order to restore the health of the Thai moral political body
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]





红示范在酒店不仅是一个曼谷最可怕的奢华的部门的职业。这是天使的城市–Krung Thep–由不洁的发作,脏,粗班诺克·巨斧–细菌。“红军入侵”可能比言语表达可怕得多。出落医院对细菌和疾病的第一线。它是由疾病的入侵。

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The Red thugs are contaminating the dominance of the urban elite. They are invading the city!

The incident unreported: the red germs

In October 2008, after the PAD’s clash with the police, a group of medical doctors led by some at Chula Hospital threatened that they would not admit or treat the police any more as the police were Thaksin’s instrument to quell the PAD. Despite strong reactions from the public, there was no criticism or reprimand by any medical authorities. There was no report if the threat was ever carried out, but there were a few reports of medical personnel elsewhere refusing to give service to Red supporters. The incident made doctors at the Chula Hospital notorious as strongly “yellowish”. This reputation is reinforced by the fact that one of the most active supporters of the PAD, who in recent months is also the top leader of the “pink” and the pro-government gatherings against the Reds, is a medical doctor from Chula Hospital. Regardless of other doctors at the same hospital and the administration, the Chula Hospital is placed on the frontline of conflict, literally, spatially, politically, and figuratively.

The accounts of the incident at the Chula Hospital in the media and their reactions, and the ones in Facebook community of the Yuppies and snobs read like a horror film or an alien invasion. This is not a coincidence. The UDD mistake is inexcusable. But how their actions have been taken by the media, those Facebook people, and by the consumers of those media, is informed by the deeper spatial, hierarchical differentiation that underlies the current conflict in the larger context.

The media, academic, civic groups, and the Facebook community condemned the Red invasion strongly in chorus. Their condemnations are much louder and incomparable to their mild criticism, if not silence, to the government uses of force and live ammunition that resulted in twenty-five deaths on April 10. The invaded body of the clean moral politics represented by the hospital seems to have higher value than the deaths of the Reds. This reinforces the earlier message that the deaths of army officers who commanded the violent crackdown on April 10 were of higher value than the Red victims of the same crackdown. The alleged “double standard” by the urban elite and media is strikingly consistent. It is in fact a single set of standards that laws, reasons, rights, rewards and punishments, and other value judgments should be applied to people according to their different hierarchy. The consistent “double standard,” cannot be explained otherwise except as a form of segregation.

The Red demonstration at Ratchaprasong is not only an occupation of the most lurid and lavish sector of Bangkok. It is the seizure of the angelic city – Krung thep – by the unclean, the dirty, the coarse bannok – the germs. “The Reds are invading” may be much more frightening than the words convey. The Chula Hospital is on the frontline against the germs and disease. It was invaded by the disease.

The looming crackdown might be seen as, and said to be, a sanitizing act, to stop the infection caused by the invasion of the bannok into the political body in order to restore the health of the Thai moral political body
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