Jr. frown as he thought back to this and realizes he need to do this, no matter how bad he felt about doing it. "Hyungs wake up its time for breakfast" Jr. yelled loudly. Mark and Jackson jollted up startled at Jr.'s loud voice, he never yelled when woke up anyone. After seeing them get up Jr. walked out to the kitchen leaving them to get up themselves. "Jackson ah what just happend?" "i have no idea hyung, Jinyoung never yells when he wakes us up. Ahhhh maybe he is still jealous from yesterday, this good man that means he is about crack and finally confess" Jackson said as he patted his back and left to go wash up.
Mark on the other hand was skeptical, Jr'.'s face was void of emotion. Mark was starting to worry my this plan isn't really a good idea thinking how much it hurts him ignore Jr. and kills him even more to see the hurt look on Jr.'s face. Aish should of never listened to Jackson in the first place this isn't working and I never get to see myJinyoungie smile or do any skinship to me anymore I'm going to stop this ridiculoius plan, Mark said to himself he doesn't care anymore if Jr. rejects him or not he can't stand not being Jr. side anymore. He going to stop doing this ridiculous plan and confess himself. Even if Jr. doesn't like me like I love him , he'd never push me away. Jackson is just an idiot Mark thought if Jr. liked me like Jackson says, he would ask me out by now, but it doesn't matter. I'm going to confess to him even if he says he doesn't feel the same at least we can be like before I miss our skinship Mark said to himself as he decided to tell Jackson he going put an end to this dumb plan, that he shouldn't have agree to in the first place.
"I'm sorry Jinyoungie" Mark said to himself before he left to wash up.