Lavender (Lemongrass) named science that Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf มีถื on birth in India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thai is a fall and slender leaves. The leaves pubescent thorn is a plant family grass. The first popular herbs used to cook, which is divided into 6 grass species, which includeQualified individual with a disability ตะไคร้หางนาค. Lemongrass Lemongrass lemon tree clump. หางสิงห์. Both are herbs grown general in our, lemon grass, herbs for health by all you of lavender that many.For example, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.!
Properties of lemon grass, such as tonic fire growth helps to solve the appetite anorexia. Help to sweat. Helps in the prevention of colon cancer. Help to cure fever, relieve colds, cough, pain relief.Antiemetics. Treatment of hypertension disease, asthma treatment is the cure stomach pain and diarrhea. Help to drive the bile to aid in digestion. To help maintain the flatulence, and diuretic in to relieve the suppression of urineHelp solve the wind paralysis treatment cholera treatment of ringworm. Essential oil from lavender. Can help against the fungus on the skin, as well as cure gonorrhea. If mixed with herbs kinds etc.
The benefits of lemon grass were used as fragrant pandanus ablutions ablutions quench the hot for the lost as well. Help nurture and maintain the eyes. Helps maintain strong bones and teeth. Help to nourish the brain and increase the concentration.Help hair split ends and help to sleep. Used as a component of deodorant. The lemon grass smell fishy or fishy smell of fish as well. The fragrance of lavender can help mosquitoes and mosquito as well.Such as dried lavender ingredients for dry drink coffee extract is used oils, etc.
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