As Remiri-san said that, she took out a black wand.
“This wand is something I was gifted when I became an adult. I’ve been taking good care of it all this time, but it’s almost about to reach its limit.” [Remiri]
“I see, so you want an Eternal Darkness (herb) in order to make a new wand.” [Ryouma]
“Precisely.” [Remiri]
“In my case, I had a lot of free time after retiring and after leaving the management of our territory to my son. So I thought it wouldn’t be so bad to go along with Remiri from time to time. I didn’t expect to meet you here though.” [Rheinbach]
“For you to be training at such a young age… Do you have any goals?” [Shiva]
Since Shiva-san asked, I explained the matter about recovering my grandparents’ inheritance.
“Hmm… within the forest of the Great Forest of Shurus, huh?” [Shiva]
“True… If you’re going there, you’ll definitely need some protection against the undead.” [Remiri]
“I can use light magic, but since I haven’t had any experience with undead yet, I thought of getting some experience at the Town of Departed Spirits.” [Ryouma]
“Oh? You can use light magic?” [Shiva]
“Yes. I can use the elementary offense magic, ‘Light Ball’, and the anti-undead defensive magic, “Holy Curtain’. But only those two.” [Ryouma]
“Considering your age, that’s more than enough. Since you know those, I guess you’re only worried about getting mobbed by undeads then. If you could at least use elementary light magic, you’d be set.” [Shiva]
“Want me to teach you? Elementary light magic that is.” [Remiri]
“Is it ok?” [Ryouma]
“Of course. You’re a kid Rheinbach-chan’s taken a liking to after all. And you even noticed me after I used ‘Hide’, so I think you’re a really brilliant kid.” [Remiri]
‘Hide’? I’ve never heard of that magic before, but could it be a magic to conceal yourself? …She used it when we met?
“Is ‘Hide’ a magic?” [Ryouma]
“Yeah, but it’s dark magic, so I suppose it’s only natural that you don’t know. It’s an intermediate level that allows one to hid his presence.” [Remiri]
“Remiri-sama is an expert of dark magic and light magic, an accomplished royal court magician. There are very few with abilities above her.” [Sebasu]
“Save for her personality, there’re no questions when it comes to her skill.” [Rheinbach]
“How rude… My personality’s perfectly fine.” [Remiri]
Said Remiri-san as she threw a puzzled gaze toward Rheinbach-sama and Shiva-san. Sebasu-san on the other hand just stood at Rheinbach’s side quietly as if saying, ‘Nothing to do with me’. In any case, I’m happy to have someone teach me light magic, but I wonder if it’ll turn out alright.
“Once you’ve met her, she’ll bring you trouble whether she teaches you or not. So Ryouma-kun, I think it’d be a fine idea for you to just accept her offer.” [Shiva]
What does that mean? Now I’m a little worried, but at the same time, I don’t want to waste this opportunity.
“Thank you, I’m truly grateful to be able to learn light magic. Remiri-san, if you’re alright with it, then please teach me light magic.” [Ryouma]
“Then it’s decided! It’s only temporary, but I’ll have you call me master during this time.” [Remiri]
“Master? Alr–” [Ryouma]
“Oneechan would do just fine too.” [Remiri]
Just when I was about to agree, she suddenly suggested something unexpected. But that was embarrassing so I refused.
“Let’s go with ‘master’.” [Ryouma]
“Eh, but that will affect my motivation–“ [Remiri]
Remiri-san was clearly not satisfied with my answer. When the other three heard that, they couldn’t help but remark.
“Even though you’re the one who wanted to be called master.” [Shiva]
“It must be tiring to have Remiri as your teacher, but there’s nothing else to it than to endure or let it pass. Do your best, Ryouma-kun.” [Rheinbach]
“Ryouma-sama, there’re no doubts about Remiri-sama’s ability, so please don’t worry.” [Sebasu]
How to put it… Remiri-san feels like a very ‘free’ type of person.
As I was thinking that, Rheinbach-sama suggested one more thing.
“Oh, right. Ryouma-kun, it’s been awhile, so how about you show us how you fight?” [Rheinbach]
I don’t mind, but why all of the sudden?
“Then would it be fine if I accompanied you guys to the Town of Departed Spirits.” [Ryouma]
“That’s fine too, but I’d like you to spar once with Shiva over here.” [Rheinbach]
Eh? Spar with a former knight commander? Wait, even Shiva-san’s shocked!
Before I could ask why, Shiva-san asked. And apparently Rheinbach-sama wants to see my abilities, but if he were to spar with me himself, his evaluation of me might be a bit too biased. So he decided it’d be best if I sparred with Shiva-san who I’d just met for the first time. On top of that, since he’s a former knight commander, he’d be able to give an accurate evaluation of my abilities.
This most likely isn’t the first time Rheinbach-sama’s thought of this though. As he seemed to have already been planning to test my abilities before my trip to the Great Forest of Shurus.
When I spoke with the members of the duke’s household before via letter regarding the Great Forest of Shurus, they suggested in our conversation to just let them send some people to pick it up for me, but I wouldn’t agree. So they told me to contact them first before going. I’m guessing they were planning to test my abilities then.
After hearing this reason, Shiva-san agreed to test my abilities. Then again, he was only a little surprised after being told to spar all of the sudden, it’s not like he was planning to refuse in the first place.
After that, Shiva-san said that it’d be better for us to fight with no information on each other as that would reflect my actual abilities the best. Of course, preparing carefully beforehand is also good, but there’re also times when one can get caught in a fight without being able to prepare. If one’s abilities aren’t up to par then, he wouldn’t be able to survive. With that, it’s been decided that we will be sparring before lunch.
As a result, I will be taken to the area where we will be sparring, just outside the town, by Sebasu-san’s dimension magic. Shiva-san’s just started to travel after all, so he’s different from me, and doesn’t have his weapons with him. Because of that it’s been decided that I’ll go ahead, and he’ll come after grabbing his weapons.
First we teleported to the gate of Teressa. We could’ve teleported beyond just fine too, but, save for emergencies, it’s illegal to go past the gate with dimension magic.
After going past the gate, we teleported again, and this time we reached a rocky area. With this, we won’t have to worry about our surroundings.
Sebasu-san said that he’ll bring Shiva-san and the others next, so I sent him off, and I began to do my own preparations. My opponent is a former knight commander. Obviously, he’s going to be strong. Even if he has gotten older, his power should still be on a completely different level compared to those bandits I’ve been fighting. I can’t let my guard down…