Could you please confirm on the below.
1. With NS, the users which are not going through blueCoat proxy, how is their performance? Do they see the same latency issue or they work well?
- we try the client going through other caching which that work well.
2. Is all the clients using bluecoat proxy affected or only some of the clients?
- all the client because we try to test with many client test and found the problem.
3. Did you capture the trace on NS at the time of the issue, with NS build?
- we keep the nstrace on time of issue and we will upload to
4. Could you please mention the issue time (date and timezone) when it was observed and get the collector file uploaded.
- the nstrace we did test on 28/8/2015 at 2 PM to 4 PM.
5. What is the BlueCoat proxy IP that’s going to hit the netscaler.